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03/13/1974 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/13/1974 P&Z Minutes
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March 13, 1974 <br />The Special Hearing called by the Planning and Zoning Board to consider the <br />Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the City of Lino Lakes was called to order at <br />8:05 p.m. by Liaison Councilman Marier. <br />Planning and Zoning Board members present; Karth, Hill, L'Allier, Nadeau, Rothbauer, <br />Shearen. Absent; Kelling. Council members present; Mayor Bohjanen, Jaworski, McLean, <br />Zelinka. Attorney Locher and Planner Starr were also present. <br />Mr. "Marier asked Mr. Locher to read the affadivit of publication as was printed in <br />the official newspaper, Forest Lake Times. This notice was published in the Feb. <br />28, 1974 issue. <br />Mr. Marier then turned the hearing over to Mr. Starr asking him to present the Plan. <br />Mr. Starr presented the maps that he had prepared. He made the point that this plan <br />is just a guide and is not a zoning plan. The plan has been approved by the <br />Metropolitan Council. It deals with the future plans and development of the City <br />and the suggested direction these plans and development should take for the best <br />possible use of the land and facilities. <br />The Plan deals with the existing streets and highways and the possible extension, <br />upgrading, or additions in this area; The recognition of the need for sewer and <br />water facilites and the areas that have first priority; The need for adequate <br />housing in all price ranges in all areas; And the need for parks and open space. <br />The main objective of the Plan is to provide a guide for the continuation of the <br />life style of the City. It provides for concentration of the commercial areas and <br />an adequate road system to facilitate movement of traffic from one portion of the <br />City to the other. <br />The map Mr. Starr presented is a composite of all these objectives. He explained <br />that with the use of a soils map to arrive at the best possible uses of the land. <br />In the areas where the soils would support development, a normal density of <br />population was recommended. In the questionable areas the development should be <br />done with caution. The bulk of the commercial development is suggested for the <br />areas around the interchanges because of the easy accessibility to the highways. <br />The high density housing would also be near these highways to ease the traffic <br />load on local streets and use the freeways and arterials to carry the traffic in <br />and out of the area. <br />The proposed plan uses the existing roads and streets and suggests and interchange <br />at the intersection of Main Street and I35W. The Metropolitan suggests continued <br />discussions with the Highway Department and the City of Hugo on the possibility of <br />an interchange at 80th Street and 135E. There was discussion of the upgrading of <br />Main Street from the West boundary of the City limits to the junction of I35W. The <br />plans are to make this into an arterial highway of four lanes with the possibility <br />of service roads in order not to isolate one part of the City frau the remainder. <br />Mr. Starr discussed the Parks, noting the existing Parks and the future need for <br />small neighborhood Park areas as the land develop. <br />
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