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03/13/1974 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/13/1974 P&Z Minutes
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(2) March 13, 1974 <br />Mr. L'Allier was concerned that some of the lands along Lake Drive and Highway #49, <br />that have been zoned commercial for 300 feet are now included in the Plan as <br />possible residential areas. If land zoned commercial is owned by an individual, <br />and is located in one of the suggested residential areas, and his plans are for <br />commercial use, how can this by handled? <br />Mr. Starr felt that this would be a zoning problem. He pointed out on the map, that <br />in many of the zoned commercial areas, they are residential in use. He realized <br />that this could create problems, but felt that the areas that are residential would' <br />remain so thus creating pockets of commercial concentration. <br />Mr. L'Allier wondered if this Gould be controled by the City. He felt that if the <br />land was zoned commercial, the City would have a problem trying to limit the type <br />of construction in this commercial zone. <br />Mr. Locher said that any plan will effect people both ways. It will advantageous to <br />some and be a disadvatage to others. If the land use has been residential, even <br />though zoned commercial, the owners would have trouble changing the land use. But, <br />if he had a signed contract for a commercial development, the City would have a <br />problem halting the construction. <br />Hr. Starr continued with the suggested areas to be considered for utilities. Of <br />primary consideration is the South Range. This is the area of Country Lake and <br />Shenandoah. The other area to be considered of equal importance is the Lexington <br />Park Lakeview area and the I35W Corridor all the way to the North Boundary line. <br />The plans for the North Lino Interceptor was outlined. <br />The Housing goals are to provide a complete range of housing in all areas of <br />location, cost, and architecture. This would provide a balance in'the City. <br />Mr. Marie r asked for questions starting with mayor Bohj aen . <br />Mayor Bohjanen had no questions at this time but wanted to make a point that a <br />completed engineered sewer system had been done for the Lexington Park Lakeview <br />area and this plan is on file with the Metropolitian Sewer Board. <br />Mr. Zelinka had no questions at this time. <br />Mr. Jaworski questioned the North West corner being designated as agricultural. He <br />remembered this area as being proposed for a light Industrial Park. The new Highway <br />Plan that has been submitted by Anoka County proposes to extend Sunset Avenue to <br />the North into Columbus to intersect with a road coming out of Bunker Prairie. <br />Did Mr. Starr think the extension of Sunset would affect the status of this land? <br />Mr. Starr said that the original proposal had included this land in commercial, but <br />the soils in that area will not support development and is basically suited for <br />agricultural purposes. <br />r... Jaworski thought that even with problem soils, light industry could be devel- <br />oped in that area by the practice of driving piling, while this would be too costly <br />fot residential development. <br />
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