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02/20/1974 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
02/20/1974 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Feb. 20, 1f74 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to <br />order at 8:05 p.m. on February 20, 1974 by Chairman Karth. Members present; <br />Kelling, Rothbauer, Shearen. Absent;.Hill, L'Allier, Nadeau. Mr. Starr and tor. <br />Locher were present as was Mr. Harier, liaison to the Council. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to approve the minutes of January 16, 1974 as written. Seconded <br />by Mr. Shearen. 'lotion carried. <br />Mr. Wayne Herr appeared before the Board with preliminary plans for the division <br />of 60 acres of property located at the North end of tlest Rondeau Lake Road. This <br />is the former Erickson farm. Mr. Herr has divided the land into tracts from 21 <br />acres to 10 acres. He would prefer to split this land using meets and bounds <br />rather than platting into lots and blocks. He has had some boring done - in one <br />area he had gone down 812 feet and did not find water; In another area he had gone <br />22 feet and the soil became mushy but did not run into water. <br />Kelling questioned Mr. Locher about the use of meets and bounds for legal <br />descriptions. Is it legal to do it this way? <br />Mr. Locher read from Ordinance 21A which provides for the transfer of title on a <br />parcel of land of 212 acres or more with the legal descrintion given in meets and <br />bo unas . <br />Mr. Kelling had understood that the Council was attempting to avoid land transfers <br />by this means since most descriptions get to be long and complicated. <br />Mr. Locher agreed that this was so. The County would prefer lot and block descrip- <br />tions since it reduces the possibility of a mistake in copying the description. <br />Mr. Herr felt that he would prefer to stay with the meets and bounds format since <br />platting gets to be an expensive thing. Although there is the possibility that he <br />may be forced to plat since the title to the land is a Torrence Title and the <br />County objects to meets and bounds transfers on such titled land. <br />Mr. Herr pointed out that some road work had been done on the Northern edge of the <br />property within the Township of Columbus. Ho dosen't know if this is a Township <br />road or just some grading that had been done. If there is no road, then he will <br />take two of the 212 acres lots just South of this boundary and include them in two <br />2=5 acres lots just to the South making two 5 acre tracts instead, otherwise these <br />two areas would not have an access. <br />Mr. Herr questioned the Board on their feeling as the position of the road Going <br />through the property. He had brought the road into the property some 300' East of <br />the Section line. This was to avoid the possiblity of the street becoming a main <br />thoroughfare. <br />There was discussion the installation of the street. Mr. Herr asked if the Board <br />felt that the curbing was necessary. He would prefer not to put the curbing in. <br />These are large tracts of land and Mr. Herr felt that curbing would detract from <br />the rural atmosphere that he wanted to retain. The Ordinance requires curbing but <br />it also allows variations with Council approval. <br />Mr. Karth reminded Mr. Herr that he would need a topography map. <br />
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