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01/16/1974 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
01/16/1974 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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January 16, 1974 <br />The first regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order by pr. Darier at 8:15 on January 16, 1974. <br />Members present; Karth, Kelling, L'Allier, Nadeau, Rothbauer, Shearen, <br />Hill. Absent! none. <br />Mr. liarier said the first order of business would be to elect a <br />chairman of the Board since the farmer chairman is no longer with this <br />Board. Mr. Kelling moved to name Mr. Ed. Karth as Chairman. Seconded <br />by Mr. Shearen. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Warier then turned the meeting over to Mr. Karth. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to approve the minutes of the December 19, 1973 <br />meeting as written. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to appoint lir. James Shearen as Vice -Chairman. <br />Seconded by Mr. L'Allier. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Allan Robinson was before the Planning and Zoning Board seeking <br />a special use permit. This would allow him to sell and service snow- <br />mobiles from his building on Hain Street. This building was erected <br />to serve as an office and shop in connection with his sod fields. Mr. <br />Robinson said he doubted that he would still be in the snowmobile <br />business a year from now. <br />He was asked if he had bathroom facilities in the building and he said, <br />Yes. Did he have a perc test? Mr. Robinson said, No. He said that <br />before the building was erected, the area would not have passed a perc <br />test. In the process of preparing the site for the building, they <br />had removed 4 to 5 feet of peat and hauled in 5 to 6 feet of sand. <br />At the present time, the building is about 6 feet above the water <br />table. His septic tank and drain fields are in this Sand. He has <br />a diagram showing their location and will make this available to the <br />Board. <br />Mr. L'Allier asked if there was a building permit. Mr. Kelling said, <br />No, in an agricultural area, a building permit is not required. But <br />since he is using part of the building for a commercial purpose, a <br />special use permit is necessary. <br />Mr. L'Allier asked if a special use permit is void if the use changes. <br />The general consensus of the Board was that if the use for which the <br />permit was issued changes, the 4iiria.special use permit would become <br />void. <br />Mr. L'Allier moved to recommend to the Council approval of the request <br />for a special use permit with the provision written in that it only <br />be for one year and that Mr. Robinson abide by City Ordinances govern- <br />ing this operation and that he obtain a perc test. Seconded by Mr. <br />Shearen. Motion carried. <br />
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