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12/19/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
12/19/1973 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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(2) Dec. 19, 1973 <br />Mr. Willey, representing Mr. .1enkveld, presented the Planning and Zoning Board <br />with a proposed plat plan for land located on the west side of the Treatment <br />Center. There was discussion as to the location of the land to be set aside for <br />Park purposes. There was also consideration of access points to the land to the <br />South and West. 11r. Willey was questioned as to the size of the lots and the <br />front footage especially the lots located on the curve of the streets. Mr. Willey <br />assured the Board that all lots met the requirements of the Ordinance and he <br />::"alt that any lot that had less than the 75' frontage *would have the require <br />oota;e at the set back line. <br />47.. Willey asked the Board if the proposed light industrial zoning for that <br />rea was the only thing that would be considered? <br />T':ie Board assured 'k. Willey that the Comprehensive Land Use Map is a guide line <br />T x: a rule. Mr. Karth asked if there would be the sale of homes as will as lots. <br />. Willey said, No, they do not build homes. They sell the lots to several <br />_`ferent builders and they compete with each other. They have found this /avoid t <br />i Tact housing and insures a better designed and built home. <br />"icLean asked what price range these homes would fall in. Mr. Willey thought <br />'wia.t somewhere in the range of $35,000.00. He also told the Board that he had <br />contacted the Metro Sewer Board and as far as he could discover, there are no <br />t '_,Ins for that area in regards to sewers in the near future. <br />▪ McLean asked for opinions from other members of the Boards. There were no <br />:.,-''._Y... r'•�.Jections, i the members. The Board felt that if the plat is prepared properly <br />sad perc tests are run, there would be no objections from this Board. <br />Yr. Willey thanked the Board and left. <br />Mr. Blomquist appeared before the Board asking for a variance on a lot located <br />▪ Co. Rd. J. After the Board examined the survey, ?Ir. Kelling, moved to recommend <br />: o the Council approval of the variance. Seconded by 11r. Karth. Motion carried. <br />• Lichtscheidl appeared questioning the legality of a lot located on Main St. <br />Fe has money down on the lot and will buy if he can build on the lot. There was <br />some question on the split being legal. Mr. Lichtscheidl explained haw the land <br />was measured off and the lots sold and built on. After much discussion, Ir. <br />e ling moved to recommend to the Counci]. that Mr. Lichtscheidl be allowed to <br />L L Lid on this lot, limiting the recommendation to Plat 82902 -- Parcel 2610, in <br />the interest of cleaning up a long standing mess. Seconded by 'Ir. Shearen. <br />'ct:ion carried. The Clerk was instructed to ask Ir. Locher if a variance is <br />- cessary; also to check date of first sale of this lot. <br />qtr.. LeTendre and 'Ir. Schlough appeared before the Board in conjunction with the <br />'Suilding being erected at the Skyline Auto Body. <br />"r. McLean read I`1r. Starr's letter of Novenber 11, and November 20, 1973. After <br />hearing the recommendations, Mr. LeTendre asked -what he should do first. <br />Mr. McLean said that the reconnendations in Nr. Starr's letter must be adhered <br />to and he must submit a topography map. He asked "'r. LeTendre about the temp- <br />orary building. <br />
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