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12/19/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
12/19/1973 P&Z Minutes
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10/2/2017 3:09:35 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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(3) Dec. 19, 1973 <br />Nr. LeTendre said the building was being used as a shelter more or less for the <br />men working on the steel. He felt that the building would be out of there by <br />next June. <br />Pt. Schlough said that he had never encountered the trouble any other place and <br />that at the present time they are erecting one of their buildings in Centerville <br />and have_ rrangeor rental space. Therefore they will be moving out of the <br />riZlage as soon as the other building is completed. <br />i�. Iarier questioned Mr. LeTendre about his knowledge of the building being <br />elected. Mr. Letendre said he knew the building was being done. Mr. Schlough <br />aid that he had contacted four members of the Council and he felt that they <br />(-incurred with what he was doing. He understood that he could start the build - <br />i g without a permit and if he could not get a permit, he would remove the <br />c:{ acture. <br />. McLean emphasized the point that the Board is not p es irin•g; Nr. LeTendre. <br />11 they are asking for is a schedule and that he folious t1 rules of the <br />C,xdinances of the `tillage. If problems arise and he cannot complete his projects <br />as scheduled, all he had to do is to let the Board know. <br />P'> . Letendre said the structure is just a wind break for the workers for this <br />c:-..-oter weather. The outside is different colors because they have run into a <br />J:aterial shortage. He repeated that this is was just a temporary building. <br />IcLean said that the Ordinances have no provisions for a temporary structure, <br />s7 this must be treated as a permanent building. <br />Hr. McLean asked Mt. Starr what his recommendations would be in a case Stich as <br />Starr suggested that Mr. LeTendre putt all his information in a letter <br />c•- biasing the letters of Sept. 18, and Nov. 12, 1973. Set up a schedule for the <br />cpmpletion of his projects. If he is unable to complete on schedule, he can <br />appear and ask for an extension of time. <br />lair. Starr asked if Mr. LeTendre had any plans for the rear of the lots. He replied <br />that at the present time he had none. Mr. Starr was concerned about the land - <br />of the rearof the lots. Mr. LeTendre said that the rear of the .lots <br />on 2nd Avenue and he also has an easement across the lot purchased by <br />otration Enterprises. <br />McLean reminded Mr. LeTendre that he must apply for a special use permit for <br />'r.he security fence that is being installed. He also asked how long it would <br />i7ane lir. LeTendre to comply with the Board's request to combine his request in <br />package. Mr. LeTendre thought a couple of weeks or less. This does not give <br />enough time to make the next Council meeting. <br />The general consenus <br />next P&Z, <br />Clerk and ther <br />request. <br />o , the Board was that 'Ir. LeTendre should appear at the <br />his material together, to notify <br />possibility of a special meeting to consider his <br />Lf <br />
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