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12/18/1974 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
12/18/1974 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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DECEMBER <br />1974 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order at 8:10 P.M. by Chairman Karth. Members present: Hill, Kelling, <br />L'Allier, and Nadeau. Members absent: Sheeran and Lombardi. Councilman <br />Marler was also present. <br />Mr. Kelling made a motion to accept the minutes of the November 20, 1974 <br />meeting as written. Motion seconded by Mr. Nadeau. Motion carried. <br />The first item of business was an application for a Variance to Ordinance <br />No. 21A received from Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Alien. They are requesting <br />permission to put in a 650 foot driveway. There was a discussion on <br />the exact location of the Alien house. <br />Mr. Kelling stated that the only barrier to this drive would be that <br />the Alien's are to completely understand and agree with Planner Starr's <br />letter otherwise he could see no reason why the carieance should not be <br />granted. <br />Mrs. Alien stated that both she and her husband understood the letter <br />that the Planner had written and were aware of the problems that such <br />a long drive presented but that they are prepared for them. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to approve the request. Motion was seconded by Mr. <br />L'Ailier. Before the motion was voted on, Mr. Nadeau asked if the motion <br />should not make specific mention of the variance request. Mr. Kelling <br />then amended his motion to state ' •rnthe to accept the application for <br />variance to Ordlance No. 21 A as presented by Mr. and Mrs. Dean Allen.' <br />Mr. L'&slier said his seconded stood for the amended motion. Motion <br />carried. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Allen will appear at the December 23, 1974 council meeting <br />for fin al approval of their request for a cariance to Ordinance 21 A. <br />Mr. G. Blackbird then appeared for El Rehbein & Son, Inc. to present their <br />request for a new storage area adjacent to the one they are cure' ntly using <br />M;-. Blackbird presented a survey map that shows exactly where the new <br />-f-,-=a is located and after much discussion on the surrounding properties <br />was deceided that Lot B was over 300' from Lake Drive and therefore <br />c -2 -`side of the commercial area. <br />hero was a discussion on whether they should akk for a Variance or <br />c)p-)ciai Use Permit. It was deceided that a Special Use permit wouid be <br />l'iY• o?st solution to the request and that when it is presented it should <br />ou-- i i ne exactly wht Rehbe i n's intend to use the lot for. Mr. Blackbird <br />said that he will send a letter to the Board requesting a Special Use <br />Pe; -mit for the storing of miscellaneous top equipment, culverts, not more <br />than 10 yards at any one tima of rock or sand, and other Ai7-,�`. 1 aneous <br />equipment associated with residential construction. There will be nothing <br />bulky or unsightly stored there. <br />
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