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12/18/1974 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
12/18/1974 P&Z Minutes
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10/2/2017 3:09:39 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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DECEMBER 18, 1974 <br />-2 - <br />They currently have one small trash pile there but i* is used for fits <br />or buried on a regular basis. <br />Mr. Blackbird further stated that they will be putting in a chain link <br />fence in fact some of the post are already up. <br />Mr. Karth asked if they intedded to put the entire fence up this winter still. <br />Mr. Blackbird said No, they would probably wait until early in the spring. <br />Mr. Nadeau asked if they had polled the ne 4hbors in the immediate vicinity <br />of theproposed sight to learn their feelings on the storage area would <br />be and Mr. Blackbird said that he would write the tetter and have all <br />the neighbors sign it to show their approval of the proposed special <br />use permit. <br />It was agreed that this would be the best solution and Mr. Blackbird said <br />he would have it feady fo the next P&Z meeting, January 22, 1975. <br />Under Old Business, Mr. Marier brought up the recent council meeting where <br />the Anoka County Park Board was present. He told the P&Z that a new board <br />was being formed and that Lino Lakes, Circie Pines, and Centerville were <br />going to have one representative each and that the Cjounty would select two <br />at large members. Mr. Marier slad that they had gotten the Park Board to <br />egree that one of the two at large members would be from Lino Lakes as <br />Lino Lakes has the most at astake. Mr. Marier asked the members of the <br />P&Z to be thinking of sorne names to submit to him for the Council, so <br />the City could be sure of recommending the two most qualified people from <br />Lino Lakes as possible. <br />There was a request from Mr. Prokop to move in heavy equipment and materials <br />before break-up to the spring and to get his building permits early. Mr. <br />Prokop said that he would forward a ;opy of his contract with Schifsky to <br />the P&Z to show that he intends to finish the roads when it is pos-:bie. <br />r. Nadeau moved that we inform the Council that the P&Z has passed a <br />r?sotutlon that he is not to receive building permits until the road is <br />Fshed or a bond Is posted for the cost of completing the road as <br />..-, ; i red by C. i ty Ordinance. <br />=atter of moving In heavy equtmpent is bhtore break-up is okay but <br />r, h.,i !ding until the road Is complete or bond posted. Also a copy of <br />_:' : :.">rrtuact is to be forwarded to the P&Z. <br />Mr. ,<cliing seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />M -.Keeling moved to adjourn at 9:10 PM. Mr..Hitl seconded the ,motion. Aye. <br />
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