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11/20/1974 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
11/20/1974 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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iirct2A-a 9) 4' <br />November 20, 1974 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to' <br />order at 8:10 P.M. by Acting Chairman Shearan. Members present: Keliing, <br />Nadeau, Lombardi and Councilman Marier. Members absent: Hill, L'Allier, <br />and Karth. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to accept the minutes of October 16, 1974 es written. <br />Motion seconded by Mr. Nadeau. Motion carried. <br />Chairman Shearan read a letter received from Engineer Gotwald on the <br />Whispering Pines preliminary plat. The only change Mr. Gotwald recommend- <br />ed was to clearly show that Mr. Nelson would put In a pond specifically <br />for drainage purposes. <br />Mr. Nelson stated that he could forsee no problems with the recommendation <br />of Mr. Gotwald. Mr. Nelson also read a letter he had received from Mr. <br />Starr and his recommendations on his plat. Mr. Starr's recommendations <br />agreed with the Engineers report. <br />Mr. Nelson's biggest problem at this point is with financing and the Metro <br />Councii and their influence on FHA monies. He feels that if the <br />Council does not approve the entire plat that they will approve at least <br />9ve or six of the lots and that he can live with their dec£sion. He <br />is aware that FiA has split plats in recent years and feeis that they <br />m ght take th!s -4t'cn with his plat. <br />Mr. Nelson stated that he has had the entire plat perc tested and is <br />ready to put in .:.fat is recommended by the testc. <br />Mr. Lombardi cautioned Mr. Nelson and the P&Z that before the end of 1975 <br />there would possibly be some vast changes in the structure of the Metro <br />Council and that they would likely adopt very rigid and for the most <br />case, more difficult s tan 'ends to adhere to. <br />Mr. Marler remined Mr. Nelson that he would have to getthe approval <br />the Rice Creek Watershed District and that he should make Is presentation <br />as soon as possible to the District. <br />Mr. Nelson siad that the plans would be presented shortly and this his <br />engineers are in the process of drawing up the plans that are required <br />by 'lice Creek now. <br />M7. yelling moved that the P&Z recommend to the Courci i ix accept the <br />'ei'minar' Plat of Whispering Pines, with the addiron of a drainage <br />nc ri. °.r. Nadeau seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />1 <br />
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