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November 20, 1974 <br />-2- <br />Mr. Nelson then questioned the Surety Bond •- he wanted to know if it had <br />to be given to the City when the final plat was accepted or could it be <br />done when the first building permits was issued? Mr. Marier advised Mr. <br />Nelson that it was at the Council's discretion. <br />There was a discussion on why some sort of standards could not be set on <br />the Sureety Bond issue and Mr. Marier said it is up to the Council and that <br />theyjudge each case on the needs of the developer. He reminded Mr. Nelson <br />and the Board that the purpose of the Surety Bond is to protect the City <br />as far as promised and proposed roads in the development are concerned. <br />Mr. Nelson was told that he would have to appear at a Council Meeting and <br />he could make arrangments with the Council for the Surety Bond at that <br />time. <br />Mr. Pie. i on RISC wan ted to know how the 10% cash donation would be handled. <br />Cons it have to he when the preliminary plat is approved or can ?': be <br />given when theefinal plat is approved or can it wait for the first <br />building ,?ermit to be issued? <br />Mr. 'd3r ev stated that there has been many preb1ems it 5t'e pa,t with <br />his oa- .a land donation for naris;: 1; 3 cap!`: .'on-.ti.�n is <br />are ► ql er .r '�r-: +:: already enough open s,;ace to c.,oeate t; a rumber o <br />o', eeoe is '<,i'aa • ve in a:he area or expected -%e b c`.tght into the area <br />as P r:n1 i t of '<;:e lie•^l development.. He ad is,::ri Ar. Nelsen, t' at as <br />In the Cr35€. of t.1".P ` r y Bond, it has b2e, c'nd would be left to the <br />discretion cf the ';_m,..i.i 1. <br />The Clerk was a&,ed to have Mr. Nelson pua- on the agenda for the next <br />Council Meeting aneF., notify him as to the t;me he should he present. <br />Mr. Clark Mc0ermi w%y next on the agenda but was not present, his problem <br />was tabled until t 1 :,;'. r. <br />The next order c busieess was a Variance to Ordinance No. 21 A being <br />applied for by M,. and Mrs. Dean R. Aller fcr w:) 4uot drive -way to <br />his proposed bili=t.'i.,e site on Pine Street. The Ordinance now has a <br />';OC foot max4iur- t;r. Allen stated that Se has ha'i perk test done <br />and til>e t;a t:aqi Le {gutting is drive h10.t t :1 a:: the sod fart;. He brovi* <br />maps ulth !iii and showed the Board Jus '^ ;r w nt'; to Gaut :lis drive <br />i.; 3i1 .'hv it i_, re7essary. He intender to hilt lei a 'owe °cite far off <br />tiouie "ec ire the long drive ry hvmse. His job <br />Lz: ;-e..lre;:s are sucz that he needs the , e.::ce and golet t' at su:h a <br />.cold nice his family. <br />H! was questioned on his proopsed beginning date to build and stated <br />t:iat he would probably not be able to start until spring noa. Mr. I':adeau <br />sagg_sted that since time was not a factor, that it would be best to <br />contact Mr. Starr, the Planner, to look as his plans and make his recom- <br />mendations to the Pa and to the Connell. Mr. Alien was told how to <br />contact Mr. Starr and he agreed to do so as soon as possible. <br />• ' Mems <br />