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11/21/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
11/21/1973 P&Z Minutes
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10/2/2017 3:09:52 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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(3) Nov. 21, 1973 <br />Hr. McLean agreed and asked that the Clerk put Iir. Willey on the December agenda. <br />No one was here to represent Able Systems. <br />Mr. Blomquist was here to find the necessary steps to take to be able to sell a lot of <br />less than 21/2 acres. The land has the necessary footage on Co. Rd. "J". He was told <br />he needed a variance - that the land must be surveyed and the footage computed. The <br />variance application is available at the Clerk's office. <br />Mr.. Blomquist asked if there was a possibility of the variance being denied. He didn't <br />:cant to invest a lot of money in the survey and then have his application turned down. <br />The general consencus of the Board was that he would have no problems. Mr. Blomquist <br />thanked the Board and left. <br />1r, lIcLean said that the Board should deal with the Able Systems application even <br />though they were not represented. Nis observation of the plans indicates that the <br />application is being made by the renter not the owner. Mr. McLean reviewed Mr. <br />4aald's recommendations on the first proposal that had been submitted. He then went <br />over Mr. Starr's recommendations. <br />:r. 'iarier felt that they are in direct violation of the Ordinances. Also Mr. I obinsor <br />and Mr. Rehbein. All should appear before the Council. <br />Locher was asked what the procedure would be in a case such as this. He said that <br />a.Le police could issue a citation, red tagg the building and stop construction. <br />74r. Hill asked what the planned use is for the building? <br />Board thought that light fabrication and painting was the proposed use of this <br />oczilding. <br />1-�. Hill felt that construction should be stopped at this location. <br />74r. McLean felt they should be advised that the property miners must present the <br />proposal or present the proposal as a joint venture. There is no way the Board can <br />aree to a proposal presented by a renter without some consent of the land owner. <br />'47. Melling said that the Planning and Zoning Board has always encouraged business <br />development within the Village. Also, that business developers follow the rules and <br />.r uiations set up by Ordinance. In this case Mr. felling moved to recommend to the <br />C azcil that these builders cease and desist until proper permit is obtained. <br />i• : :hermore, no building permit is to be issued until they have complied with the <br />rN .oimendations of Mr. Starr. The owners of the property must particapate in the <br />aplication for the permit. They must co-sign the application and partake in full - <br />filling the recommendations of Mr. Starr and Mr. Gotuald. They must follow the normal <br />rrccedures by appearing at the Planning and Zoning Board and before the Council. <br />S econded by !Ir. McLean. Motion Carried. <br />lcLean introduced the Robinson's violation. He recommended a cease of operation <br />uuti1 a special use permit is obtained and a sign permit. *sir. HcLean asked 'Ir. Locher <br />tf the special use permit should be for a limited time period. <br />
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