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11/21/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
11/21/1973 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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(4) Nov. 21, 1973 <br />Mr. Locher said he thought it would be a sound judgement to issue a special use permit <br />and limit it to the present operator for the present occupation for a limited period. <br />The permit to be examined regularly for possible extension or revokation. <br />Mr. Statr was asked if he had encountered limited special use permits in his work <br />with other Municipalities. Mr. Starr said that he had. That most special use permit <br />are reviewed on a regular basis. <br />M . McLean said the building had been erected for one purpose, that of a shop and <br />office for the sod business and is being used for another - the sales and serviceing <br />of snowmobiles. <br />Mr. Locher said the problem is when he changed his mind as to the use of the building. <br />If the intended use was in connection with the sod fields, then a building permit is <br />-.lot required. <br />1r. Karth felt that if the building was open to the public, then he must have a <br />building permit. Also there must be bathroom facilities and there was no way this <br />area could pass a perc test. <br />Ir. '-Iarier said that MIr. Robinson was told to come to the P&Z and apply for a special <br />use permit and a sign permit. He has done neither, therefore he is in violation of <br />operating a business in an illegal building. <br />Karth moved to recorment to the Council that Mr. Robinson be required to apply for <br />limited special use permit and sign permit within 30 days and appear before the <br />f'&Z and Council following normal prccedures. If Mr. Robinson fails to abide by these <br />recommendations, he be issued a citation for non-conformance. Seconded by Mr. Hill. <br />Motion carried. <br />Under old business, IIr. Karth introduced the matter of the mobile home parked on #49 <br />,st south of the Rehbein bus barns. ilr. T.arth felt that this trailer is parked too <br />close to the road. Mr. Kelling moved to recommend to the Council that this owner be <br />issued a citation and ordered to move the unit into a mobile home court in accordance <br />to page 10, section 4.11 of Ordinance #56. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried. <br />N!...McLean asked Mr. Locher if he remeirbered the minimum Sipe .af - real estate signs <br />u-zc'er the sign code. 'ir. Locher did some checking and said that they could be 6 sq. <br /> There appears to be some such signs advertising tnderson/Pretag Real Estate <br />- one on Highway #49 and one East of 135E between Co. Rd. "J" and County Road <br />14. The P&Z would recommend that the Council take a look at these for possible action <br />was discussion on the report on the Comprehensive land Use Plan. The Board <br />�-istructed the Clerk to write a letter to Mr. John Boland of the Metro Council <br />r -questing a 30 day extension of the review of this plan. The report from the Metro <br />�•�.*icil was gone over and the points of differences were discussed. Mr. Starr was <br />:=eked to answer these differences according to the wishes of the Board. He said he <br />.sould have a report ready in about a week. <br />Yelling moved to adjourn at 10:45 P. N. Seconded by Ir. ?McLean. Aye. <br />
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