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10/17/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
10/17/1973 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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(2) <br />Mr. McLean then called on Mr. Scherer. <br />Oct. 17,1973 <br />Mr. Scherer explained that he was thinking of establishing a doll museum in his home. <br />IA small operation - just in accomadate the people of the Twin Cities who are <br />interested in this sort of hobby. He has an agreement from Mr. 0 Flannagan, his <br />nearest neighbor, stating that he has no objections. Mr. Scherer said he had plenty <br />of parking space on his property and the operation would not create a traffic problem <br />Mr. McLean asked if there would be buying and selling on the premise. Mr. Scherer <br />said, No. Mr. Mclean asked if there would be an admission charge. Mr. Scherer said, <br />Yes, probably 25 or 50C just to defray the cost of insurance. Some of these dolls <br />are quite valuable. <br />Mr. Shearen asked if it would be open daily or just on certain days of the week or <br />just on the weekend. Mr. Scherer said it would be open by appointment only. <br />Mr. McLean asked how many cars sou l d be accomadated at the present time. Mr. Scherer <br />said about 12 and if a couple of trees were removed, probably 15. He didn't expect <br />that much space would be needed at any one time. <br />Mr. McLean read from Ordinance #56 and this operation would fall under Artistic <br />operation and is an allowable use of a residential property with the acqui ring of a <br />special use permit. <br />Mr. r4cLoan said that he would recommend to the Council that a special use hearing be <br />set and alt property owners within 300 feet be notified. <br />The general consensus of the Board was that basically they had no objections to the <br />operation providiing a special use permit was obtained. <br />Mr. McLean moved to recommend that the Counci 1 set a hearing for the November -P l an- <br />ing and Zoning meeting for a special use permit for Mr. Scherer for a dolt museum in <br />his home on 64th street. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried. <br />The discussion on the land use map was opened at 8:30 P.M. Mr. McLean asked Mr. <br />Gotwa i d if the land use would coincide with the comprehensive sewer plan. <br />Mr. Gotwal d said that since the comprehensive sewer plans had been planned around <br />the original land use map so any changes that have been made on the new maps have <br />I i tt l e if any effect on the comprehensive sewer plan. <br />There was discussion on The possibility of the South East corner of the VI liage <br />being serviced through White Bear Township. There has been very little information <br />on this thought and the members were not prepared to consider the possibility at <br />this time. <br />Mr. Starr presented his maps as to transportation, sewer development, density, <br />open space and commercial lands. These maps were reviewed by the Board with Mr. Hi l l <br />questioning the Northwest tip of the sewer development in Area B. He was told that <br />
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