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10/17/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
10/17/1973 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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(3) Oct. 17, 1973 <br />These lines are not necessarily hard and fast - they are just guesstimates and the <br />sewer will be developed as development dictates. <br />After further discussion as lot sizes and density of certain areas, Mr. McLean moved <br />to recommend to the Village Council of Lino Lakes that the draft of the comprehensive <br />land use plan as presented to the Metro Council on Oct. 10, 1973 as a development <br />guide and accompanying maps herein attached is acceptable but should be held prior <br />further action until we receive the comments and recommendations of the Metro Counci i <br />This recommendation of the Metro Counci 1 should be available within 60 days per Mr. <br />Starr. The Planning and Zoning will reexamine and recommend amendments to our footage <br />and lot size requirements as supporting as supporting codes to the comprehensive plar <br />when finally adopted. Seconded by Mr. Kell ing. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Nadeau and Mr. Farrand arrived at 9:40 P.M. <br />Mr. Karth reported on the house trailer sitting just South of the bus barns on <br />Highway #49. It has been there for a couple of weeks. The Board recommended that the <br />Council check into this. <br />He also asked about the snowmobile building on Main Street. Mr. Robinson has been <br />requested to appear at the Council meeting scheduled for Oct. 23, 1973. <br />Mr. Karth also reported that the Moi in Concrete Plant is storing the molded products <br />North of the Pines trees that were p l an ted for screening purposes. He felt that th i s <br />practice should be checked out. He also felt that do I i n should appear before the <br />P&Z with a complete layout as to the areas to be used for storage and their screeninc <br />plans. <br />Skuline Auto Body had submitted plans for a storage building to the rear of the prese <br />building. Mr. Starr had looked over the plans and even though Skyline was not re- <br />presented, there was some discussion, This matter is on the November agenda. <br />Mr. Ke I l ing moved to adjourn at 10:00 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Hi l l . Aye <br />
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