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08/15/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
08/15/1973 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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August 15, 1973 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was <br />called to order at 8:10 P.F.Q. on August 15, 1973 by Chairman McLean. <br />Members present; Kelling, Karth, Shearen and Nadeau. Absent; Hill, <br />Farrand. Mr. Marier, liason to the Council was also present. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to approve the minutes of the July 18th Meeting. <br />Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Greg Pariseau representing Leibel and Pariseau Blders. appeared <br />before the Board requesting a variance to construct a duplex on the <br />North side of Ash Street just West of Centerville Rd. with I OOft. <br />frontage. <br />The land, in question, is platted and zoned agriculture. Mr. Pariseau <br />has not yet had a perc test tE.ken. <br />Mr. Kel 1 ing stated 150ft. frontage is required by Vi 1 lage Ordinances <br />why has he only purchased IOOft? Mr. Karth asked if their where any <br />reason why he didn't purchase the requested 150ff?' The land was sold <br />10 Mr. Pariseau like that. Mr. McLean asked if it was possible to <br />purchase the additional 50ft. Mr. Pariseau stated the land is locked <br />on both sides of said property. <br />Mr. Shearen stated the fact that single family dwellings have been <br />allowed to build, on less than 150ft. frontage, when the land is locked <br />on both sides but could not permit a duplex. The Board would consider <br />a single family dwelling. <br />The appeal for variance to construct a duplex on 1OOft. frontage was <br />changed to single family dwel I ing with r, Fariseaus approval. <br />Mr. Shearen made a motion to grant the variance to construct a single <br />family dwelling on less than 22 acres and less than 150ft. frontage. <br />Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried. AYE. <br />Mr. Vern Anderson presented finished plans for a combination garage <br />and storage building to be constructed for his own personal use to be <br />located at 884 Birch St. <br />Mr. Karth made a motion to recommend to the Council to give approval <br />to Mr. Anderson to build a storage building and garage for his own <br />personal use and that the building must conform to State Code and <br />not be nearer than 200ft. from the front line and et least 10ft. from <br />the side lot line. The motion seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried. <br />
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