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08/02/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
08/02/1973 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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8/2/73 <br />Page Three <br />around a home are acquired and that particular home is left isolated, <br />surrounded by Park lands. At the present time there is nothing definite <br />as to the acquisition of her home. <br />Mrs. Koehler said that at the present time they have people picnicing on <br />their front lawn, fishermen park in their yard and all sorts of inconven- <br />iences, and they still choose to live there. So who is the County to <br />decide on whether she would or would not like to live in a Park area. She <br />felt that this decision should be hers and not that of the County. <br />Mr. Marier asked Mr. Torkildson if every effort would be made to bypass <br />this home. <br />Mr. Torkildson said this home is on lake shore property and their main <br />purpose is to preserve the lake shore. <br />Mrs. Koehler said that when they decided to build and were told they needed <br />22 acres, they didn't question the Village. They decided to take the lake <br />shore and pretect it. <br />Mr. Torkildson said that the County Park Board does not care to buy any <br />home that will not effect the development of the Park. At the present <br />time the park access road is not adequate. News ones will have to be <br />constructed. There has been discussion of relocating the road so that it <br />will be behind the homes hoping that the Village would vacate the present <br />road so the property owners would not have a road in front and back of <br />their homes. There is a possibility that when this is done it could be <br />arranged in such a fashion as to make it unnecessary for them to acquire <br />this particular home. <br />Mrs. Harold Leibel asked if there was a map showing where this roadway <br />would be. Mr. Torkildson said, No, this would not be available until the <br />site map is laid out. <br />Mrs. Koehler wondered if the present road could be extened.. Mr. Marier <br />repeated his question. <br />Mr. Torkildson said he thought that was a fair statement. The County Board <br />is reluctant to acquire homes that are not a deterent to the development <br />of the Park. When a site plan is developed, and a decision is made as to <br />the road, then the Kohlers will have to decide whether they want to stay <br />or sell and move at that time. <br />Mr. McLean was concerned that once the boundaries are set, these lands are <br />then virtually frozen. The land would be removed from the market but the <br />owners would continue to pay taxes onthis property. At what point in <br />time would the Board release these lands if they were not to be used for <br />Park purposes? <br />Mr. Torkildson said that once the boundaries are set, then they have never <br />to his knowledge released any lands within those boundaries. Mr. Torkildson <br />said their target date l'as already been set back by one month. <br />
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