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08/02/1973 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
08/02/1973 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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8/2/73 <br />Page Four <br />He thought it would take about 5 years for the completion of the land <br />acquisition. They have 1 million dollars now and need about IZ million <br />more. <br />The Board was concerned over the removal of lands from the market for <br />that period of time, yet the owners would still be required to pay taxes <br />on that land. They were also concerned about the appraisals. Would the <br />appraisals done now be the ones used at the time of acquisition? <br />Mr. Torkildson said, No, any appraisal over one year old cannot be used. <br />The property must be reappraised. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked if, after the boundaries are set, and an individual out- <br />side this area wants to give his lands to the Open Space, can this be done? <br />Mr. Torkildson said under the terms of the Resolution, the County would <br />have to come back to the Council and acceptance of this land would have <br />to be by mutual agreement between the County and the Village Council. <br />Mrs. Leibel asked about the area blocked out at the intersection of County <br />Road 14 and Interstate 35W. She was told this had been left that way for <br />a future interchange to built by the Highway department as a possible <br />entrance to the Open Space area. <br />Mr. Marier suggested scheduling another meeting as soon as possible. Mr. <br />McLean asked how soon Mr. Torkildson could have the revised copies of the <br />Resolution. He said by Monday, Aug. 6, 1973. ivir. McLean suggested that <br />as soon as this can be agreed on, the Committe would have a recommendation <br />for the Council. <br />Mr. Marier said the Council would have to act on the Resolution and the <br />land use. The boundaries would then be set at a public hearing. <br />Mr. Zelinka reported the Council had appointed a committee of 3 persons <br />to check the pros and cons of municipal management of the golf course. <br />TLis area is still very much in question. <br />Mr. McLean asked how this would work. Mr. Zelinka said his understaning <br />was that the County would acquire the golf course and lease it to the <br />Village for $I.00 per year, the Village then operates the course. <br />Mr. McLean requested the Board members to look over the minutes of previous <br />meetings, study their notes and be prepared to make a recommendation to <br />+he Council at the next meeting. <br />Mr, Torkildson asked about 'Exhibit A' which is the map referred to in <br />the Resolution, will the committee go back to the original boundaries? <br />Mr. McLean said the Committee would recommend to the Council either their <br />r:cceptance of the map and resolution or their rejection. The Council would <br />make their decision on the Board's recommendation. Mr. Torkildson es!f,ed <br />tnat he be notified of the Council meeting and be put on the agenda. The <br />nextmeeting was scheduled for Aug,22, 1973. Mr. Marier moved to adjourn <br />at 9:30 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka, Aye. <br />
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