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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION <br />September 4, 2018 <br />i CITY "r LINO LAKES <br />2 MINUTES <br />3 <br />4 DATE September 4, 2018 <br />5 TIME STARTED 6*00 p.m. <br />6 TIME ENDED 8:50 p.m. <br />7 MEMBERS PRESENT Council Member Rafferty, Maher, <br />8 Manthey, Stoesz and Mayor Reinert <br />9 MEMBERS ABSENT None <br />10 <br />11 Staff members present: City Administrator Jeff Karlson; Public Safety Director John <br />12 Swenson; Community Development Director Michael Grochala; City Planner Katie <br />13 Larsen; Finance Director Sarah Cotton; Public Services Director Rick DeGardner; City <br />14 Engineer Diane Hankee; City Clerk Julie Bartell <br />15 <br />16 1. Water Storage Siting Analysis — City Engineer Hankee and Greg Johnson, WSB <br />17 & Associates, reviewed a presentation that included the following information: <br />18 <br />19 - background on water tower siting discussion (including two sites); <br />20 - site evaluation (supporting recommendation for Birth and Centerville site); <br />21 - recommendation to move to final design for site. <br />22 <br />23 Ms. Hankee noted that additional water storage was originally planned for several years <br />24 earlier but has been delayed due to a slowdown in development. The cost has increased <br />25 over that period. The council reviewed storage options, including size, in 2017. <br />26 <br />27 The council concurred with the staff recommendation. <br />28 <br />29 Mayor Reinert noted recent discussions with Anoka County about land adjacent to Rice <br />30 Lake Elementary on which the oldest house in Lino Lakes is located (house is vacant). <br />31 The county had planned to raze the house but, working with city staff, there's possibly an <br />32 option to leave the house in place to be used as the City's next well house. Community <br />33 Development Director Grochala explained plans to meet with county staff to discover <br />34 what options are possible. Council Member Maher remarked that the plans should <br />35 include a plaque explaining the building's historical significance. <br />37 2. Cedar Street East and Elmcrest Avenue/2411 Avenue Paving —City Engineer <br />38 Hankee reviewed her written staff report. The cities of Lino Lakes and Hugo share <br />39 interest in these two roadways since they are at or near each city's border. City staff of <br />40 both cities have been discussing ways to work together on a joint project to improve the <br />41 roadway. The Cedar Street estimate is $1.6 million and $250,000 is the estimate for 24th <br />42 Avenue/Elmcrest. The Cedar Street improvement is higher mainly because of additional <br />43 infrastructure. Proposed funding for Cedar Street would be assessments previously <br />44 collected and also Municipal State Aid (MSA) funds. <br />45 <br />II <br />