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ORDINANCE NO. 18 A <br />THE VILLAGE OF LINO LAKES2 MINNESOTA <br />AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE PRESENCE OF MINORS UNDER THE AGE OF 16 YEARS ON <br />THE STREET OR iN PUBLIC PLACES BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9:30 P.M. AND 5:00 A.M. <br />DEFINING THE DUTIES OF PARENTS AND OTHERS IN THE CARE OF MINORS AND PROVIDING <br />FOR PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF. <br />The Village of Lino Lakes, Minnesota does ordain as follows: <br />CECTION 1. <br />it shall be unlawful for any minor under the age of 16 years to loiter, <br />idle or be in or upon the public streets, highways, roads, alleys,parks, <br />fJlaygrounds or other public grounds, public places and public buildings, places <br />of amusement, entertainment, or refreshment, vacant tots or other unsuper- <br />vised places between the hours of 9:30 o'clock P.M. and 5:00 o'clock A.M. the <br />'oIlowing day; provided, however, that the provision of this section shalt not <br />'pply to such minor accompanied by his or her parents, guardian or other <br />saving the care and custody of the minor when the minor is upon some necessary <br />errand by permission or direction of his or her parents, guardian or other adult <br />person having the care and custody of the minor, which said permission shall <br />r:w In writing and signed by such parents, guardian or other adult person having <br />Ms care and custody of the minor. <br />SECTION 2. <br />It shalt be unlawful for the parents guardian or other adult having the <br />care and custody of a minor under the age of 16 years of age to permit such <br />t-inor to loiter, idle or be in or upon the public streets, highways, roads, <br />:alleys, parks, playgrounds, or other grounds, public places and buildings, <br />palaces of amusement, entertainment or refreshment, aacant tots, or other un- <br />nupervised places between the hours of 9:30 P.M. and 5:00 A.M.of the following <br />e y; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply <br /> theminor is accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or other adult <br />;.,-arson having the care and custody of the minor or when the minor is upon <br />:ome necessary errand by permission or direction of his or her parents, <br />guardian or other adult person having the care and custody of theminor. <br />F.ECTION 3. <br />It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation operating or in <br />charge of any place of amusement, entertainment, or refreshment to permit any <br />minor under the age of 16 years of age to remain in such place during the <br />hours prohibited by this ordinace, provided, however, that the provisions of <br />this ordiance shall not apply when such minor is accompanied by his or her <br />parent, guardian or other adult person having the care and custody of theminor. <br />