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cto <br />ORDINANCE NO. 19 <br />THE VILLAGE OF LINO LAKES <br />AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR CiVIL DEFENSE AND FOR PROTECTION AND PROMOTION OF <br />PUBLIC SAFETY, HEALTH, AND WELFARE IN THE VILLAGE OF LINO LAKES, MINNESOTA <br />DURING CIVIL DEFENSE EMERGENCIES. <br />The Village Council of Lino Lakes, Minnesota does ordain: <br />T.CTION 1. POLICY AND PURPOSE <br />SOEDIViSION 1. Because of the existing and Increasing possibility of the <br />:ccurrence of disasters of unprecendented size and destructiveness resulting <br />- om enemy attack, sabotage other hostile action, and in order to insure that <br />p'eparations of the Village will be adequate to deal with such disasters, and <br />,cnerally to provide for the common defense and to protect the public peace <br />naith, and safety, and to preserve the lives and property of the people of <br />tits Village, it is hereby found and declared to be necessary: <br />(a) To establish a local civil defense agency; <br />(b) To provide for the exercise of necessary powers during civil <br />defense emergencies; <br />(c) To provide for the rendering of mutual aid between this Village <br />and other political subdivisions of this State and of other <br />States with respect to the carrying out of Civil Defense functions. <br />SI!BDiViSION 2. It is further declared to be the purpose of this ordinance <br />srd the policy of the Village that all Civil Defense functions of this Village <br />he coordinated to the maxium extent practicable with the comparable functions <br />n7 the Federal Government, of this State, and of other States and localities, <br />lnd of private agencies of every type, to the end ihat the most effective pre- <br />;y ration_snand use may be made of the nations manpower, resources, and facilities <br />.r r dealing with any disaster that may occur. <br />r^TiON 2. DEFINITIONS. <br />)IVISION 1. "Civil Defense" means the preparation for and the carrying <br />of at! emergency functions, other than fuoctions for which military <br />f-=•ces are primarily responsible, to prevent, minimize attack, sabotage, other <br />o,-tti Ie action, fire, flood, earthquake or other natural causes. These functions <br />.iriude without limitation, fire -fighting services, pottce services, radical <br />heliih services, rescue, engineering, air-raid warning services, com- <br />;ur:c Lions, radiological, chemical and other special weapons, defense, <br />;v1^uation of person_ from stricken areas, emergency welfare services, <br />Ism rgency transportation, existing or properly assigned functions or plant <br />Lrlteci ion, temporary restoration of public utility services, and other <br />}unctions related to civilian protection, together with all other activities <br />necessary of incidental to preparation for and carrying out of the foregoing <br />functions. <br />