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1956-019 Council Ordinances
City Council
City Council Ordinances
1956-019 Council Ordinances
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Last modified
9/24/2019 10:54:55 AM
Creation date
3/15/2019 1:21:10 PM
City Council
Council Document Type
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Ordinance #
Ordinance Title
Providing for Civil Defense and for Protection and Promotion of Public Safety, Health, and Welfare in the Village of Lino Lakes During Civil Defense Emergencies
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SUBDIVISION 2. "Civil Defense Emergency" means an emergency declared by <br />the Governor under the Minnesota Civil Defense Act of 1951, Laws 1951, Chapter <br />694, Section 301. <br />SUBDIVISION 3. "Civil Defense Forces" means any personnel employed by the <br />Village and any other volunteer or paid member of the local Civil Defense <br />agency engaged in carrying on Civil Defense functions in accordance with the <br />rrovisions of this ordinance or any rule or order thereunder. <br />SE'.'T1ON 3. ESTABLISHMENT OF CIVIL DEFENSE AGENCY . <br />S! ?DiVIStON 1. There is hereby created within the Village government a civil <br />r1sfense agency, which shaft be under the supervision and control of a <br />c" '-ector of civil defense, hereinafter called the Director. The Director shall <br />t appointed by the Mayor for an Indefinite term and may be removed by him at <br />0! time. He shall serve without salary, but shall be paid his necessary <br /><x;enses, the Director shall have direct responsibttty for the organization, <br />.rhiintstration and operation of the Civil Defense Agency, subject to the dir- <br />- 'ion and control of the Mayor. The Civil Defense agency shall be organized <br />'Ito such divisions and bureaus, consistent with State and Local Civil Defense <br />f• l.ns, as the Director deems necessary to provide for the efficient performance <br />cf local Civil Defense functions during a Civil Defense emergency. <br />SInDiVISION 2. There is hereby created within the Civil Defense agency a <br />iVll Defense advisory committee, hereinafter called "Committee". Memebers <br />c` this committee shall be appointed by the Mayor .to represent Village <br />C oartments and other groups concerned with Civii [Jzfense. The Mayor shalt <br />LJ chairman and the Director shall be Secretary of the committee. The commit - <br />shall advise the Driector and the Village Council on all matters pertain - <br />In to Civil Defense. Each memeber shalt serve without compensation and shall <br />t,I:d office at the pleasure of the Mayor. <br />7r,TiON 4. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE DIRECTOR. <br />•_�':^iV1S!ON 1. The Director, with the consent of the Mayor, shall represent <br />Village on any regional or State organization for Civil Defense. He <br />!I develop proposed mutual aid agreements with other political subdivision <br />r= ;yin or outside the State for reciprocal Ctvi! Defense emergency aid and <br />z-,.fstance in a Civil Defense too great to be dealt with unassisted, and he <br />present such agreements to the Council for its action. Such arrangements <br />s,E ? be constster't with theState Civil Defense plans and during the Civil <br />':.-;se emergency, it shall be the duty of the Civil Defense forces to render <br />,�>?stanco in accordance with the provisions of such mutual aid agrangement. <br />r ^. mutual aid arrangement w i th a political subdivision of another State shall <br />t< subject to the approcal of the Governor. <br />
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