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1956-019 Council Ordinances
City Council
City Council Ordinances
1956-019 Council Ordinances
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Last modified
9/24/2019 10:54:55 AM
Creation date
3/15/2019 1:21:10 PM
City Council
Council Document Type
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Ordinance #
Ordinance Title
Providing for Civil Defense and for Protection and Promotion of Public Safety, Health, and Welfare in the Village of Lino Lakes During Civil Defense Emergencies
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SUBDIVISION 2. The Director shall make suchstudies and surveys of the manpower <br />industries, resources, and facilities of the Village as he deems necessary to <br />determine their adequacy for Civil Defenee and to plan for their most efficient <br />use in time of Civil Defense emergency. <br />SUBDIVISION 3. The Director shall prepare a comprehensive general plan for <br />the Civil Defense of the Village and shall present such plan to the <br />Council for its approcal. When the Council has approved the plan by resolution, <br />it shall be the duty of all municipal agencies and all Civil Defense forces of <br />the Village to perform the duties and functions assigned by the plan as <br />approved. The plan may be modified in like manner from time to time. The <br />rirector shall coordinate the Civil Defense activities of the Village to the <br />end that they shall be consistent and fully integrated with the Civil Defense <br />;:Man of the Federal Government and the State and corelated with the Civil <br />Defense plans of other political subdivision subdivisions within the State. <br />UBDIVISION 4. in accordance with the State and Village Civil Defense plan, <br />he Director shall institute such training programs and public information <br />±programs and shall take all other preparatory steps, including the partial <br />o4 full mobilization of Civil Defense forces in advance of actual disaster, as <br />ny be necessary to the prompt and effective operation of the Village Civil <br />e» fense plan in time of a Civil Defense emergency. He may, from time to <br />-ilme, conduct such practice air-raid alerts or other Civil Defense exercises <br />1 he may deem necessary. <br />l2DtVtStON 5. The Director shalt utilize the personnel, services, equipment, <br />epplies and facilities of existing departments, and agencies of the <br />'tltage to the maximum extent practicable, The officers and personnel of all <br />e4ch departments and agencies shalt, to maximum extent practicable, cooperate <br />with to extend such services and facilities to the vocal Civil Defense agency <br />id to the Governor upon request. The head o-C eacrt department and agency, <br />In cooperation with andunder the direction of the Director, shall be responsible <br />for the planning and programming of such Civil Defense activities as will <br />lovotve the utilization of the facilities of his department or agency. <br />S'JDDIV1S!ON b. The director shall, in cooperation with existing Village <br />r)ar#ments anu agencies affected, organize, recruit, and train air-raid <br />;r rdens, auxiliary police, auxiliary firemen, emergency medical personnel, <br />► any other perscr. el that may be required on a volunteer basis to carry <br />:-u the Civil Defense plats of the Village, and the State. To the extent <br />;let such emergency personnel is recutrted to augment a regutar Village dep- <br />rtment or agency for purposes of administration and command. The Director <br />a -ay dismiss ery Ctvii Defense volunteer at any flee and reauire him to <br />se -render any equipment and identification furnishad by the Village. <br />'2,DIVtS10N 7. ;.oneistoat with the Civil Defense plan, the Director shall <br />pi vide and elvip emergency hospitals, casualty stations, ambulances, canteens, <br />evacuation centers, and other facilities, or conveyances for the care of <br />idjured or homeless persona. <br />
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