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Lino Lakes Village Ordinance No. 30 <br />LINO LAKES VILLAGE <br />ORDINANCE NO. 30 <br />REGULATING THE MOVING OF <br />BUILDINGS OVER STREETS AND <br />ALLEYS IN THE VILLAGE: PRO- <br />VIDING FOR PROTECTION T 0 <br />THE VILLAGE FROM DAMAGES <br />ARISING OUT OF SUCH OPERA- <br />TIONS. <br />SECTION 1. Definitions. <br />1.01 For the purposes of this ordi- <br />nance, the following terms, phra- <br />ses, words and their derivations <br />shall have the meaning given here- <br />in. <br />A. "Building" is a structure de- <br />signed, built or occupied as a <br />shelter or roofed enclosure for per- <br />sons, animals or property and used <br />for residential business, mercan- <br />tile, storage, commercial, indus- <br />trial or recreational purposes. A <br />structure of less than 100 square <br />feet floor area shall not fall with- <br />in this definition, <br />B. "Building Inspector" is the <br />Building inspector of the Village <br />of Lino Lakes. <br />C. "Village" is the Village of <br />Lino Lakes. <br />D. "Person" is any person, firm, <br />partnership, association, corpora- <br />tion, company or organization of <br />any kind. <br />SECTION 2. Permit ReAuired, <br />2. 01 No person shall move a n y <br />building over, along or a c r o s s <br />any highway, street or alley in the <br />Village without first obtaining a <br />permit from the Building Inspector. <br />SECTION 3. Application <br />3.01 A person seeking issuance of. <br />a permit hereunder shall file a n <br />application for such permit with <br />the Building Inspector. <br />A. FORM. The application <br />shal be made in writing, upon <br />forms provided by the Building In- <br />spector, and shall be filed in the <br />office of the Building Inspector <br />and shall contain such informa- <br />tion as the Building Inspector shall <br />find necessary to a determination <br />of whether a permit should be is- <br />sued. <br />B. Accompanying Papers <br />(1) Tax Certificate. The own- <br />er of the building to be moved <br />shall file with the application suf- <br />ficient evidence that all real es- <br />tate taxes and special assessments <br />against t'h building and lot from <br />whirr if to be moved are paid <br />in full. <br />(2) Certificate of Ownership or <br />Entitlement. The applicant. if <br />other than the owner, shall file <br />with the application sufficient <br />written evidence that he is enti- <br />tled to move the building. <br />(3) Consent of Public Utility <br />Company. The applicant shall <br />file with the application prior to <br />issuance of permit, written evi- <br />dence of arrangements with a 11 <br />public utility companies whose <br />wires, lamps or poles are required <br />to be removed, for the removal <br />thereof by the company. <br />C. Fee. The application shall <br />be accompanied by a permit fee <br />in the amount of $50.00. If the <br />building to be moved is located <br />outside the Village such fee shall <br />be augmented by a charge of 10¢ <br />per mile beyond the Village li- <br />mits to defray inspection cost. <br />SECTION 4. Security Re- <br />quirements. <br />4.01 Cash Deposit. An appli- <br />cation hereunder shall be accom- <br />panied by a cash deposit in t h e <br />sum of $500.00 as an indemnity <br />for any damage which the Village <br />may sustain by reason of damage <br />or injury to any highway, street <br />or alley, sidewalk, fire hydrant <br />or other property of the Village, <br />which may be caused by or be, in- <br />cidental to the removal of a ny <br />building over, along or across any <br />street in the Village, and for any <br />expense incurred by the Village <br />under Subdivision 7.02 of Section <br />7. <br />4.02 Bond. Any person filing <br />an application hereunder shall file <br />with the Village Clerk a bond, ap. <br />proved as to form by the Village <br />Attorney, executed by a corporate <br />surety company authorized to do <br />business in the State of Minnesota <br />in the amount of $5, 000, condi- <br />tioned upon the compliance by <br />the applicant with this and other <br />applicable ordinances and 1 a w s , <br />and payments to the Village of <br />all fees, .fines and penalties re- <br />quired by said ordinances. <br />4.03 Insurance. Any person <br />filing an application shall also <br />file with the Village Clerk a lia- <br />bility insurance policy or certifi- <br />cate of such insurance, issued by <br />an insurance company authorized <br />to do business in the State of Min- <br />nesota, and approved as to form <br />by the Village Attorney. T h e <br />policy shall insure the applicant, <br />and the Village as an insured in <br />the sum of at least $100, 000 for <br />injury to one person, and $300, - <br />000 for one accident, and at least <br />$25, 000 property damage, and <br />the policy shall be kept in effect <br />until after the building has been <br />moved. <br />SECTION 5. Duties of Building <br />Inspector. <br />5. 01 Inspection. The Build- <br />ing Inspector shall inspect t h e <br />building and the applicant's <br />equipment to determine whether <br />the following standards for issu- <br />ance of a permit are met. <br />5. 02 Standards for Issuance. <br />The Building Inspector shall re- <br />fuse to issue a permit if he finds: <br />A. That any application re- <br />quirement or any fee or deposit, <br />bond or insurance requirement <br />has not been complied with; <br />B. That the building is too <br />large to move without endanger- <br />ing person or property in the Vil- <br />lage; <br />C. That the building is i n <br />such a state of deterioration or <br />disrepair or is otherwise so struc- <br />turally unsafe that it could not <br />be moved without endangering <br />persons and property in the Village; <br />D. That the building is struc- <br />turally unsafe or unfit for the pur- <br />pose for which moved, if the lo- <br />cation to which the building is to <br />be moved is in the Village; <br />E. That the applicant's equip- <br />ment is unsafe and that persons <br />and property would be endangered <br />by its use; <br />F. That Zoning, building <br />code or other ordinances would <br />be violated by the building in its <br />new location; <br />G. That for any other reason, <br />persons or property in the Village <br />would be endangered by the mov- <br />ing of the building. <br />5. 03 Fees and Deposits. <br />A. Return upon Non -Issuance <br />Upon his refusal to issue a <br />permit the Building Inspector shall <br />direct the Village Clerk to return <br />to the applicant all deposits, <br />bonds and insurance policies. <br />Permit fees filed with the appli- <br />cation shall not be returned. <br />B. Return upon Allowance <br />for Expense. After the building <br />has been removed, the Building <br />Inspector shall furnish the Village <br />