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Jerk with a written statement of <br />all expenses incurred and of all <br />damage caused or inflicted upon <br />property belonging to the Village <br />by reason of the removal. T he <br />Village Clerk shall return to the <br />applicant all deposits after de- <br />ducting a sum sufficient to pay <br />for all the costs and expenses and <br />for all damage done to property <br />of the Village. Permit fees de- <br />posited with the application shall <br />not be returned. <br />5. 04 Designate Streets for Re- <br />moval. The Building Inspector <br />shall procure from the Village <br />Council or its designated repre- <br />sentatives a list of designated <br />streets over which the building <br />shall be moved. The Building <br />Inspector shall reproduce the list <br />upon the permit in writing. De- <br />termination as to designated <br />streets shall be made to assure <br />maximum safety to persons and <br />property in the Village and to <br />minimize congestion and hazards <br />on public streets. <br />SECTION 6. Duties of Permittee. <br />6.01 Every permittee under <br />this Ordinance shall: <br />A. Compliance. Comply <br />with all provisions of the permit, <br />if issued, including planking re- <br />quirements and special require- <br />ments, imposed by the Building <br />Inspector, such as wheel mount- <br />ings, dolly widths etc. <br />B. Use Designated Streets. <br />Move a building only over streets <br />designated for such use in the writ- <br />ten permit. <br />C. Notify of Revised Moving <br />Time. Notify the Building In- <br />spector in writing of a desired <br />change in moving date and hours <br />as proposed in the application. <br />D. Notify of Damage. Noti- <br />fy the Building Inspector in writ- <br />ing of any and all damages done <br />to property belonging to the Vil- <br />lage or any public utility within <br />24 hours after damage or injury <br />has occurred. <br />E. Display Lights. C a u s e <br />red lights to be displayed during <br />the night time on every side of <br />the building, while standing on <br />a street, in such manner as to <br />warn the public of the obstruc- <br />..ion, and shall at all times erect <br />and maintain barricades across <br />the streets in such manner as to <br />protect the public from damage <br />or injury by reason of the remov- <br />al of the building. Warning lights <br />with open flame shall not be used. <br />F. Street Occupancy Period. <br />Remove the building from the Vil- <br />lage Streets after two days of such <br />occupancy, unless an extension is <br />granted by the Village Clerk. <br />G. Comply with Governing <br />Law. Comply with the Building <br />Code, the zoning ordinance and <br />Jther applicable ordinances and <br />liws upon relocating the building <br />in the Village. <br />H. Pay Expenses of Officer. <br />Pay the expense of a traffic offi- <br />cer ordered by the Village Clerk <br />to Accompany the movement of <br />the building to protect the public <br />from injury. <br />I. Clear Old Premises. Re- <br />move all rubbish and materials <br />and fill all excavations to exist- <br />ing grade at the original building <br />site if within the Village so that <br />the premises are left in a safe and <br />sanitary condition. <br />J. Remove Service Connec- <br />tions. The Permittee shall noti- <br />fy gas and electric service com- <br />panies to remove their services <br />from the premises and shall re- <br />move and disconnect all other <br />utility connections. In the event <br />that the property is served by sani- <br />tary sewer, the Permittee shall <br />plug the sewer line with a con- <br />crete stopper. <br />K. Completion of Remodel- <br />ing. Complete promptly, a nd <br />within 90 days after removal, all <br />remodeling, additions or repairs <br />as shown on the plans accompany- <br />ing the application. <br />L. Repair. Promptly reset <br />mail boxes, highway markers, <br />street markers and highway posts <br />if movea or removed. <br />SECTION 7. Liability of Permit - <br />tee to Village. <br />7.01 Permittee Liable for Ex- <br />pense Above Deposit. The Per- <br />mittee shall be liable for any ex- <br />pense, damages or costs in ex- <br />cess of deposited amounts or se- <br />curities. <br />7.02 Original Premises Left <br />Unsafe. If the original building <br />site is within the Village, the <br />Village shall proceed to do the <br />work necessary to leaving the on <br />ginal premises in a safe and sans <br />tary condition, where Permittee <br />does not comply with the require- <br />ments of this Ordinance, and the <br />cost thereof shall be charged a- <br />gainst the cash deposit. <br />SECTION 8. Penalty. <br />8.01 Any person or persons, <br />firms or corporations violating <br />any provisions hereof or w h o <br />shall fail to comply with any of <br />the requirements herein specified <br />shall upon conviction thereof be <br />deemed guilty of a misdemeanor <br />and fined not less than $10, 00 nor <br />more than $100.00, or imprison- <br />ment not less than 5 days nor mite <br />than 90 days for each offense. <br />Each day that the violation shall <br />be permitted to exist shall con- <br />stitute a separate offense. <br />SECTION 9. Repeal and Proce- <br />dure <br />9.01 Any previous ordinance <br />of parts of an ordinance w h i c h <br />may be found to be in conflict <br />with the provisions of this ordi- <br />nance, are hereby repealed. <br />9.02 Should any section, pro- <br />vision, clause, or phrase of this <br />ordinance be held to be invalid <br />by the State or Federal Courts, <br />such decision shall not invalidate <br />any other part of this ordinance. <br />9.03 This ordinance shall take <br />effect and be in force from and <br />after its passage and publication. <br />Adopted by the Village Coun- <br />cil this 26th day of November, <br />1962. <br />/s/ Arnold Kelling <br />Mayor <br />Attest; <br />/s/ Henry Rosengren <br />Clerk <br />(Seal) <br />Published in "Circulating Pines" <br />December 6. 1962. <br />