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E. To develop and recommend to the Council policies to <br />foster and promote the improvement of environmental <br />quality, and meet the conservation, social, economic, <br />health, and other requirements and goals. <br />F. To report not less than once each year to the Council <br />on the state and condition of the environment in the City, <br />and to report on the work of the Commission. <br />G. To make and furnish such studies or reports thereon, and <br />recommendations with respect to matters of policy and <br />legislation as the Council may request. <br />H. To examine and make recommendations on all park sites <br />proposed to be dedicated to the City by those proposing <br />to plat lands within the City and those who propose to <br />give lands to the City for parks. <br />I. To make recommendations on the care, maintenance and <br />development of existing parks. <br />J. To act as liaison between the Council and people or <br />organizations which may wish to use, care for, have <br />recommendations for the use of or donate personnel, <br />monies or equipment for parks and recreation in the City. <br />K. To work with the County on development of County park <br />space within the City and County. <br />L. To review engineering and site plans for City improve- <br />ments that may in any way change the characteristics <br />of any City park or proposed park land. <br />Section 15. Ordinance No. 57, of Lino Lakes, passed by the <br />Council on August 23, 1971, is hereby repealed, the same being <br />replaced by the within Ordinance. <br />Section 16. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect <br />from and after its passage and publication according to law. <br />Passed by the City Council this <br />ATTEST: <br />Edna L. Sarner, <br />Clrk-treasurer <br />l'CITy SEAL) <br />8th day of <br />April <br />, 1974. <br />