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September 14, 1978 <br />- Page Two - <br />Mr. Larry Johnson was asked to explain the salary recommendations that <br />had been built into this budget. Mr. Johnson said Chief Myhre's salary <br />had been set at a mid -range level of the various cities he had used for <br />comparison. This figures computes to $16,082.00'per year. Mr. Johnson <br />said the Personnel Commission had recommended a salary of 1084.00 per <br />month for the Clerk -Treasurer. This still leaves that office at the <br />minimum range as compared to other Cities, but he felt that the increase <br />is such that no more should be recommended for this year. Mrs. Anderson's <br />salary recommendation was on a monthly salary basis and the recommended <br />figure was $825.00 per month. The Assessor's salary had been computed <br />on a 66% of full time at the figure of $9288.00. The janitor's salary <br />recommendation was for 6.00 per hour. Mr. Volk's salary recommendation <br />was at 1405.00 per month. <br />There was some discussion on the status of the Assessor's position - <br />should this be on a contract basis? Will the City need to assume the <br />responsibility for benefits when this becomes a full time position? <br />The Clerk was instructed to check with Mr. Locher on this matter. <br />Mr. Johnson was thanked for his time and work. <br />Mr. Volk brought the Council his feelings on his position. He said he <br />had talked to the Personnel Commission and had not been able to have the <br />classification changed. Mr. Volk noted that he had been classified as <br />a Class IV Foreman, and, in his opinion, he did not fit in that catagory. <br />He was asked to explain the differences in the Classifications and Mr. <br />Volk said Calss 1V is a foreman, does not do any long range planning, <br />doe no budget preparation, etc. After some discussion on this matter, <br />Mr. McLean moved to recommend to the Personnel Commission that Mr. Volk <br />be considered for the Class V classification and to establish a salary <br />range for that classification. Seconded by Mr. Kulsazewicz: Motion <br />declared passed. <br />The Road budget was considered. Mr. McLean asked if the streets are up <br />to average and Mr. Volk said, No, they are falling behind a little. Mr. <br />McLean asked what is the amount necessary to bring them up to the level <br />they were? <br />Mr. Volk said the 5 year long range plan presented to the Council was a <br />preventive maintenance program only due to the financila position of the <br />City. The Streets on the East side are the problems. The problems with <br />81st and 24th were discussed and the needed work to be done in that area <br />The seal coating program is on a four year basis, Mr. McLean felt this <br />should be done every three years. Mr. Volk felt the City could not <br />afford this sort of major programs. <br />Mayor Karth noted that if 30,000.00 was added to the road budget, there <br />would be problem to spend the money. <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Volk to build the seal -coating program on a three <br />year basis for Mr. Schneider's notes. <br />Mr. Volk noted that the shop fund is up due to the need 'for new tires <br />for the dump truck. <br />The $10,000.00 for capital outlay in the Park fund was discussed. Mr. <br />