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06/15/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/15/1975 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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The called meetingof the Personnel Commission was called to order at <br />7:55 P.M.on June 15, 1975 "by Chairman Johnson. Members present; <br />Mrs. , r .ivi gston, Mr. Kammer, Mr. Cartier. Councilman <br />Zelinl,a, liasion member,was also present. Councilmembers in the <br />audience, Mayor Bohjanen, Mr. Marier, Mr. McLean and Mr. Jaworski. <br />Chairman Johnson noted this meeting was for the purpose of discussing <br />1), position of full time Police Chief; 2), Permanent position of Public <br />Works Supervisor; and 3), discussion of other full time personnel. <br />Mr. Johnson asked what was the cost for contracting for Police coverage <br />from the County. He asked this as a matter of information for himself. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said that when a cost comparaison was made during the <br />Police Study, it was found that contracted coverage was more costly. <br />Mr. Costa said that Ham Lake is paying $65,000.00 per year for Police <br />coverage from the County. This figures gives the City coverage for <br />only 16 hours per day with one man and one car. <br />Mr. Marier discussed the proposed budget of the Lino Lakes Police <br />Department for 1976. He wondered if the proposed $84,590.00 would <br />be adequate for 1976. He complimented Chief Myhre on the long range <br />plans that he had presented - not that he necessarily agreed with the <br />proposals - but it was a well thought out plan and well presented. <br />Mr. Johnson asked if the City could afford this budget, Mayor Bohjanen <br />said this would have to worked out at budget time. <br />Mr. Zelinka read the minutes pertaining to the employment of Mr. Myhre <br />as Acting Chief for a period of six months with the position to be <br />reviewed at that time and the absolving of the Police Study Commission. <br />Members of the Council were asked for their opinions. <br />Mr. Marier was satisfied with the effort put forth. He doesn't agree <br />with the proposal, he felt that Chief Myhre was asking a lot and doesn't <br />tell what he's going to do. <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that Chief Myhre had done a good job and fullfilled <br />what the Council had asked of him. <br />Mr. McLean felt that the long range plans were well laid out but there <br />is no anticipated returns for the added expenditures. It is a good <br />proposal. <br />Mayor Bohjanen felt that some of the figures will have to be considered <br />at budget time. He felt that the short range plan was .fine but as for <br />the long range plan - who knows? He would recommend Mr.Myhre for the <br />position of permanent full time Police Chief. <br />Mr. Zelinka felt that Chief Myhre had done a good'job within a limited <br />budget. He agreed that the proposal submitted by Chief Myhre was a good <br />one - what is to be done is a Council decision. <br />Mr. Johnson asked if there is a relevance to their actions taken at this <br />meeting. Mr. Marier assured him that the' recommendations made by this <br />Commission are taken seriously. <br />
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