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04/11/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/11/1979 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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270 <br />1") <br />A special meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was held Wednesday, April II, <br />1979. Mr. Gourley, Chairman opened the meeting at 8:16 P.M. Members present: <br />Schwankl. Reinert, Johnson, Heath, Mattson, Shearen. Mr. McLean, Council liason <br />..and Mr. Gotwald City Engineer; were also present. <br />Mr. Gourley noted a problem being experienced at the last April 4, 1979 meet- <br />ing wWich was taped. Teh Clerk could not always pick up the speakers from <br />the audience and asked anyone i:n the audience who wmuld be speaking to come <br />to the front area. <br />Mr. Courley said the purpose of this meeting this evening was to set up <br />procedures to review the Comprehensive Land Use. Plan and identify areas <br />this Board will be dealing with and possibly set up some special committees. <br />Mr. McLean <br />Mr. McLean explained Mr.Short could not attend this evening. The Board <br />will be going through the Blue Comprehensive Land Use Book and the pro- <br />duct will be a new book. He suggested the following: procedure; <br />1. List all needed areas of changes and update <br />A. Comprehensive Land Use Plan <br />B. Supporting ordinances. <br />2. Inventory ofwhat we have in the City (comprehensive map) <br />A. Assets <br />B. Liabilities <br />3. Redefine targets - Comprehensive Plan <br />Mr. McLean asked the Clerk to get copies of the map that identifies the <br />sewer districts one and two for each Board member. <br />Regarding sewers, the Board should look at the interium and final sewer <br />plans as outlined by Mr.Gotwald. Mr. Gotwald has a great deal of knowlege <br />of the variou$ negotiations with Metro Council. <br />Regarding the inventory, the Board will be looking at both the positive and <br />negative things, such as the high water table. <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Reinert and Mrs. Schwankl to go with him for a compre- <br />hensive look at the entire City. Arrangements were made for just Mr. McLean <br />and Mr. Reinert to make the tour April 14, 1979 at 8:30 A.M. <br />Redefining targets - Mr. McLean asked each member to look at the statements <br />made at the beginning of the 1974 Comprehensive Land Use Plan and if these <br />statements are not now applicable, change them to something meaningful. <br />Get the statements to say what we want it to say, where we want this City <br />to be. <br />It appears there will be at least two extra meetings a month until the plan <br />is completed. Will there be a problem for anyone. Mr. Mattson said, yes <br />and explained. Mr. McLean asked Mr. Mattson to let him know what the outcome <br />of fiis situation will be. <br />Mr. Reinert asked about resource people. Mr. McLean said this Beard will <br />have the services of the Engineer, Planner and Attorney whenever they are <br />needed. <br />Mr. McLean suggested every member talk to the community around them to get <br />some idea_what the citizens think. <br />
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