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04/11/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/11/1979 P&Z Minutes
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April I I , 1979 <br />271 <br />Mr. Heath asked if there was some way to announce to the City that this pro- <br />ject is underway. Mr. McLean said that the average person may not give you the <br />same answer at a meeting as you might get from him in his own heighborhood. <br />People do not think of the City as a whale, just their own neighborhood or steet. <br />Mr. Gourley asked if there was.a business mans association. Mr. McLean said no, <br />the nearest thing would be, the Lions Club. <br />Mr. Gourley noted a few of the things he felt should be looked at: <br />I. Park land, where are they, where should they be put. Come to anoverall <br />plan for the future. Mr. McLean noted the Council has asked the Park <br />Board to come up, with a plan and they will be providing this Board with <br />plan whether this Board agrees with it or not. Mr. Short has been work- <br />ing with the Park Board. Mr. Gourley asked -Mrs, Schwankl to speed up <br />the, Park Board. <br />2. Another area to be considered is sewers. Mr. Gotwalds help will be needed <br />in this area. The Board may have to redefine some of the information in <br />the 1974 Plan with the view that a force main was installed not a gravity <br />flow system. How will this affect our plan in relation to the sewer sys- <br />tem that the plan laid out. <br />Mr. Gotwald explained that the Comprehensive Sewer Plan is subject to review <br />and change by the Metro Sewer Board. The present force main interceptor will <br />force a change in the number of connections that can be made and this should <br />be realistic about it and detail where the connections will be. The only <br />problem he could see is who willservice district Two. <br />MrI McLean asked Mr. Gotwald if it would be appropriate to try to maintain <br />District two as a future district so that the City could reserve this cap- <br />acity. Mr. Gotwald said, yes. What he will look at is the capacity alloted <br />for that particular area and take into consideration that a lot of that dis- <br />trict has already been subdivided, they are larger I, 22 and 5 acre Tots and <br />this large lot area can be taken out of this district and reserve the capacity <br />of this urban service district for thise areas west of.the freeway that may <br />be of commercial and industrial value. These large lots can safely be pulled <br />from the urban service district since these are now new and better methods of <br />installing septic systems are being implemented. This area will take more <br />thartr the south end of the City in district I. <br />Mr. Reinert asked Mr. Gotwald in reference to the industrial land reserves <br />and some of the problems in developing this land due to high ground water, <br />should this City be more selective in the types of industrial development <br />umless they are serviced properly with municipal sewers. Mr. Gotwald said, <br />yes, the Comprehensive Plan does not make any provisions for heavy industrial <br />development just, most of it is planned for light industrial, office com- <br />plexes, etc. He felt any great potential for heavy industrial should be on <br />the east side along the freeway. That will be a special problem. <br />Mr. Gourley said he was thinking that redesignating urban service areas I in <br />terms of the conneetions and urban service II can be broken down into smaller <br />areas. Mr.;: Gotwald agreed and felt there would need to be special attention <br />to the Lakeview area and the Treatment Center and a stretch along Lilic and <br />the intersection of Old 8 and 35W south, the Ulmer addition should be alright. <br />Mr. Gourley asked about service to the area south of the Outpost and Mr. Gotwald <br />said he would definitely recommend this since it is so near the Lakes and <br />Circle Pines and there has already been some requests to service this area. <br />Mr. Gotwald explained the situation with the on site system at Lino Lakes <br />
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