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05/02/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/02/1979 P&Z Minutes
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May 2, 1979 <br />one of the city administrators or city planners he contacted to come and speak <br />to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Gourley, thought it best to wait <br />until all the new material was reviewed. <br />Mr. Heath made available to the Commission a book published by the Metropolitan <br />Council listing sources of information, in these areas. (Issued in 1978, and <br />only just available). <br />Mr. Heath felt that as & matter of opinion „ we should keep the density of popu- <br />lation per Iand,area as low as: possible andlot square footage as high as is <br />resonable. He also felt that at;any given levellof.imsulation, the smaller <br />home is easier and 8.ess expensive to heat. <br />Corner lots were also discussed as far as size, aesthetics, set -back requirements <br />and the extra taxes suffered, by corner; lot owners. It was suggested that,an <br />easement could be put in so that a corner lot would no longerbe penalized. <br />Mr. Blackbird said that taxes on corner lots had been adjusted in most areas to <br />bring them in line with other lots, but .that .tree removal androad maintenance <br />costs were still higher for; corner lot owners: <br />Much discussion was held on, go ahead with the sample ordinance amending <br />Ordinance No. 56 and No. 56A. VI Schwankl,moved that the Commission decide on <br />the sample ordinance requirements, but there was no secmnd. <br />Mr. Johnson maintained that a complete, detailed analysis of all the literature <br />and inforamtion received from city planners and city administrators should be <br />made; that information up to this time had.come primarily from developers and <br />the Metropolitan Council only; and that,a comprehensive plan could be developed <br />after reviewing this information, rather than handling it a seciton at a time. <br />He suggested the proposed ordinance questions,and density could be made the <br />number one prioritjes in this analysis, and that he could be ready for a presen- <br />tation to the Planning and Zoning Commission in two weeks on these priority <br />items. Mr. Reinert, Mr. Shearen, and Mr. Heath had voluteered to review the <br />information with him, and he could cintact them for meetings next week. Mr. <br />Johnson indicated that although many of the communities he visited were in the <br />process of dropping their square footage requirements,.he felt that whether <br />Lino Lakes make a similar decision or not, they should first make a firm and <br />comprehensive analysis of the situation. <br />Mr. Gourley indicated that two months had been spent hearing and collecting <br />information on this matter, and that he felt there was sufficient information <br />on which to base a decision for the sampli ordinance; that this was a very <br />limited area (R-1), and that everything presented to the Commissionhad indicated <br />that lot size and square footage requirements should be reduced; and that the <br />Commission had previowsly decided to handle these ma+ters on a section -at -a time <br />basis. It was pointed out that a variance had already been granted to Mr. Rehbein <br />to build on smaller lots and to build smaller homes; and that this variance had <br />in effect changed the ordinance already. <br />Mr. Heath. moved that Mr. Johnson, Mr. Reinert, Mr. Shearen andhimself review <br />the material gathered bit Mr. Johnson and make a presentation to the Planning <br />and Zoning Commission at the next regular meeting. Seconded by Bob Doocy. <br />Motion declared passed with Vi Schwankl voting no, and Ken Gourley abstaining <br />because of his position as chairman,: <br />Roy Stanely presented an application tfor a variance for Random, Inc., to split <br />a one acre lot in Sunset Oaks. All the papers were in order and the fees were <br />paid. The application was found to be within the guidelines already set up by <br />the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Heath moved tbat we pass this along <br />with our recommendation to the City Council. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion, <br />and the motion was declared passed. <br />
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