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05/29/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/29/1979 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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"lay 29, 1979 <br />The special meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was ra11ed to order by <br />Chairman Ien Gourley at 8:05 p.m. Nay 29, 1979. Members present; Bob Doocey, Vernon <br />Reinert, James Shearen, Lawrence Johnson, and 'Ir. 'TcLean,Council Liaison.' <br />Members absent: Vi Schwankl and Jerome Beath. Also present were Mayor Korth and <br />Mr . Gotwald, City Eigineer. <br />The first item on the agenda was an approval of the May 16 minutes. Mr. Gourley <br />moved to delay approval. Seconded by James Shearen. All were in favor. Motion,was <br />declared passed. <br />Next on the agenda was a question of the current status of a piece of property at 740 <br />Vicky Lane. Verification of the status of the property had been requested at the May <br />14 Council meeting. This property had been used as a duplex prior to the passing of <br />Ordinance No. 56; the matter came under Ordinance No. 6, section 5, paragraph A, <br />covering pertinant uses. The property had been previously used as a duplex, but for the <br />past 3 years had been used as a single family dwelling; it therefore had existed for a <br />period of 2 years without intended use, and would, in this case, revert to R-1. The <br />buyers, present at the meeting, wished to clarify whether they could use it as a duplex <br />again. The structure conforms as a duplex, , although the present use does not. The <br />possibility suggested by Mr.Gourly was to rezone it to R-2, and thus solve the problem. <br />The buyers were told that the rezone requires an application by the present owner with <br />the city clerk and the signatures of the adjoining Landowners. They intend to submit <br />this request. The Commission asked that the building inspector, upon receipt of the <br />application for the rezone, inspect the prenisis. <br />The next item on the agenda was a report from the city Attorney, Mr. Locher, given by <br />Mr. Dourly, to the effect that the Planning an Zoning Commission isrequired by <br />Minnesota State Statute to hold public hearings prior to any recommendations to the <br />Council for charges in the comprehensive plan. This to be held at the Planning and <br />Zoning level. Mr .Locher is researching it further. The Planning and Zoning Commission <br />requested that Mr Locher clarify this, and explain the exact procedures that must <br />be followed for the public hearings. <br />Next on the agenda was Mr. Gotwald's report to the Commission on the Comprehensive <br />Sewer Plan revisions for Urban Sewer Districts 1 and 2. Mr. Gotwald presented several <br />maps outlinning these revisions with his estimates and explanations. It was suggested he <br />corrrit these thoughts to paper. Mr. Gotwald estimated 750 connections for Urban Sewer <br />District 1, and gave the breakdown on this. These connections can be "swapped." and are <br />on a first -cane -first -serve basis. Calculations are based on a density of 4 units per acre <br />(8 people per acre). <br />Urban Sewer District II is presently on on -site systems, and covers the Lakeview area. <br />The Blaine interceptor, which presently ends in front of Centennial High school, would <br />need to be extended up to Sunset fo Lino Lakes to hook into it. It is important that <br />the city define its need for sewers in this area, in terms of how many connections are <br />needed and when: otherwise the city may lose the capacity of this pipe, possibly to <br />Blaine. It has been requested before taht this be reserved for Lino Lakes, but proper <br />documentation of need crust be presented at this time. There have already been septic <br />problems in the area. The Minnesota State Correctional Institute has an advisory board <br />which handles this type of thing, and has its situation pretty well documented already, <br />Mayor Karth felt a reissuance could be gotten probably within a month or so. <br />
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