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05/29/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/29/1979 P&Z Minutes
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295 <br />Page 2 <br />P & Z, May 29, 1979 <br />The revisions included_ putting in a lift station, and building a 4" line starting <br />from one of the lift stations and going north. Lexington Park -Lakeview would feed <br />into those same pumps although the lines would be much smaller. <br />At the present time, the determining factor on lot sizes in this area is actually <br />the availability of the sanitary sewer lines. It is a controlled growth situation. <br />(approximately one acre lots.) <br />Mr. Gotwald explained the seasonal water table problem in Lino Lakes and the <br />problems with septic systems. The Public Health Service feels confident that if <br />septic systems are put in (and maintained) according to their regulations, that <br />they will work just as effectively as the city sewer. <br />Mr. Gotwald indicated that although this comprehensive sewer plan is forcast <br />basically for 5 years, the Metro guide policy will be reviewed this year and <br />they may have a shift in whatever they are actually scheduling for this area <br />as far as growth pattern. <br />There is a possibility fo getting state aid or a state grant for this area, but <br />it hinges on approval of our sewer system. What is really necessary is getting a <br />main or trunk line out to serve the area. <br />Mr. Shearen inquired as to possibilities of getting an extension fran Ramsey County; <br />Mr. Gotwald indicated there was no capacity for this. <br />Mr. Gotwald suggested that if the Commission was in agreement with the sewer re- <br />vision, that it was a reasonable approach and was an attempt to satisfy Metro <br />Council, then he could prepare an actual map and, with the Planner, go and talk <br />to the Metro staff to get sane feedback as to whether it would be approved or not. <br />Mr. Reinert moved that the Commission have the City Engineer proceed by whatever <br />means necessary to get in proper documentation, and to get it to the Metro <br />Council to get sane kind of feeling as to whether they will accept this or not; <br />also to recommend to the Mayor that he consult with the people in the Minnesota <br />Correctional Facility as to their documentation. It was felt that Mt. Gotwald <br />could also handle the situation with the Minnesota Correctional Facility. <br />Mr. Doocey seconded the motion. Along with this motion is the request for <br />documentation for the commercial and two residential areas as well. All were in <br />favor. Motion declared passed. This does not go on to the City Council but <br />directly fran the Planning and Zoning Commission to the Metro Council. <br />Mr. Gourley brought up the situation with the interceptor going up along Highway <br />49 in the area which is zoned commercial. He suggested the Commission look at <br />ordinance changes to protect that carmercial area so that it doesn't develop <br />residential. At present the ordinance states that commercial zoning permits <br />lesser use as well. Mayor Yarth suggested the commercial area be broadened in a <br />few areas. It is presently a 300-foot strip along the highway. It-. Reinert felt <br />that the Corrmissionneeded to look at the overall picture and not just this area. <br />It.. Gourley will ask the Planner to address himself to this problem on commercial <br />zoning in the village generally, and specifically for this area. <br />
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