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11/07/1979 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
11/07/1979 P&Z Minutes
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The special meeting of the Lino lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order by Chairman Gourley at 8:24 P.M. Wednesday, November 7, 1979. <br />Members present; Gourley, Schwankl, Doocy, Heath. Members absent; Reinert, <br />Shearen, Johnson. Mr. Short, City Planner and his assistant Kevin Locke, <br />Marilyn Elsenpeter Councilman elect, Mayor Karth and Councilman McLean <br />were also present. <br />Mr. Gourley stated the agenda tonight will deal entirely with housing and <br />turned the meeting over to Mr. Short. <br />Mr. Short noted this Board wanted to address the housing section all at one <br />time, thelissues, inventories, the goals and the policies as well as once <br />you determine what you want to provide and what the implementation tools <br />should be. Housing will be considered tonight and next Wednesday night and <br />then there will be a review and look at the present ordinances and decide <br />what changes or amendments' reflect the changes. <br />The last step will actually be a capital improvement program which shows how <br />the City will implement some of the changes that are suggested. <br />Mr. Short prepared a brief housing data inventory based on Metro outlines. <br />The outline was given to members. Mr. Short reviewed the Metro outline. <br />His,goal was to hit the housing issues to get some direction on the issues <br />plussatisfying therequirements of the Metro, Council. <br />Mr. Locke said housing is a special element of any comprehensive plan. The <br />reason Metro council has included 'it in the land plan is it relates to the <br />problems today. Some problems are expense, (homes will probably become more <br />expensive), kind of housing (all one type), and as the community gets older <br />there gets to be a problem of meeting the needs of its residents. Mr. Heath <br />asked for clarification. Mr. Locke said the idea is people at different <br />stages of life require different housing and he further explained. <br />There was a discussion between Mr. Locke, Mr. Short and Mr. Heath regarding <br />younger people staying in Lino Lakes rather than moving into the City for <br />job opportunities because the Cities are easily available by way of the <br />interstate highway system. <br />Mr. Locke suggested some rental property should be available for younger <br />people who work here in Lino Lakes but cannot: afford to purchase. He <br />continued on by saying what Metro Council had hoped to accomplish is that <br />communities will be aware that there is a problem to understand the local <br />implications and accept the idea that they could do something about it. <br />Metro is looking for an inventory of existing characteristics of housing, _. <br />some, projections of how much housing will be needed in the next ten years <br />and then they would like to see some housing policies and some implementa- <br />tion techniques on how community figures to make its policies come ,true. <br />Mr. Locke referred to the Metro outline handout and explained that the in- <br />formation comes from the 1970 census data and only gives a .hint of, what,cond <br />itions mighttbe today and Metro wi'l l be re-evaluating. the tables after the <br />1980 census. �, I <br />Specific data was discussed on the outline. <br />i I <br />The second table was population and Housing Projectidns, essentially past. <br />history. The 1990 population prediction was discussed and Mr. Short said: <br />essentially the Metro Council predicted on basis of being a irural.commun.ity <br />and Mr. Short said that they are pasically predicting the region as a whole <br />and the Lino Lakes portion of the pie is this. It ignores the fact than,. <br />Anoka County is the fastest growing county, <br />
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