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11/07/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
11/07/1979 P&Z Minutes
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90 <br />Page 2 <br />Planning and Zoning Commission <br />November 7, 1979 <br />Mr. Locke explained that although there may be a decrease in population <br />there is a slight increase in households because the household encompasses <br />a smaller number of people. The family size is smaller. The average household <br />is now 3.2 people,: <br />Mr. Locke explained the low income, moderate income, etc. housing categories <br />and said what Metro asked communities to,do is to define the numerical goal <br />for the low, moderate, etc. income household opportunities. Lino Lakes does <br />not have a low income goal but does have a modest cost goal. One reason we <br />do not have a low income goal is that it does not have urban services es- <br />pecially sewers. Maybe ten years from now this should be considered. Mr. <br />Short noted that today Lino Lakes is not required by the Land,Planning Act, <br />to provide so much money or "X" number of low income housing but,by 1990,; <br />Lino Lakes should be prepared to address providing this opportunity.: for the <br />low income people. <br />The Metro Council will be reviewing the Land Planning Act. Mr. Short explained <br />that low income housing is generally subsidized. The modest income isnot re- <br />quired to be adopted by any community. The state law does not require that <br />the City provide the opportunity to make sure the units,will be built. All <br />the City has to do is tomake an effort usually through ordinance to, allow <br />practical opportunities for developers to build something that would qualify. <br />This is .where we start talking about lot size and building size. When the <br />Metro Council said that Lino Lakes should have about 93 units it meant that <br />out of the whole region Lino Lakes should provide about 93 homes. Mr. <br />Gourley asked if the projected 93 figure is based on a low estimated popula- <br />tion, the number of 93 is probably low too. Mr. Short said yes, it would <br />be nearer 130 units. This figure is new units, not including existing units. <br />Mr. Short said this means how can Lino Lakes provide these 130 units to <br />modest income families. Can a builder come into Lino Lakes -and not be <br />blocked by ordinance in building this type of house. ,This would be <br />probably a $55,000 house or Tess. Mr. Locke said this is not based on a <br />square footage cost but saying this is a modest income priced home. <br />Mr. Gourley said he had attended a housing meeting at Metro and was in- <br />formed that some of the Metro areas may already be saturated with modest <br />income housing and by appeal procedures some of this type of housing may <br />be shifted to adjoining communities who have developable land. <br />Mr.Locke noted that some communities have gotten together and pooled their <br />quotas and use subsidies to attain their goals. <br />Mr. Short noted that the goal numbers suggested were not required but just <br />a recommendation. Mr. Gourley said the meeting he attended the Metro <br />Council suggested that maybe approval of the Plan hinged on meeting these <br />goals. <br />Mr. Short said the Metro person they talked to stressed Metro Council was <br />not trying to spread the low, modest and moderate housing out so much <br />but trying to make Cities provide the various housing opportunities that <br />their residents will generate. <br />At This point Mayor Karth asked a question but it was not audible. It <br />apparently involved Shenandoah 111. <br />
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