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11/14/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
11/14/1979 P&Z Minutes
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111 <br />November 14, 1979 <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order Novemberr14, 1979 at 8:17 p.m. by Chairman Gourley. Members present; <br />Gourley, Schwankl, Doocy,.Heath. Members absent: Shearen, Johnson, Reinert. <br />Mr. Schumacher, City Administrator, Mr. Short and Mr. Locke, City Planners <br />and Mayor Karth were also present. <br />Mr. Gourley turned the;meoting over to Mr. Short who stated this was the <br />second of two meetings regarding housing and handed out a written pres- <br />entation titled "Lino Lakes Housing Program" to the Board Members. This <br />presentation summarizes what was presented last Wednesday. He asked each <br />Board Member to read the written draft for review and said it is intended as <br />the basis for the housing chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. He described <br />the "Draft". He noted the final "Draft" will be condensed for the final <br />version. He said the last two pages will need to be discussed tonight. <br />They are the most meaningful pages of the housing plan,,page 12 Goals and <br />Policies, page 13 ImplentationPrograms. <br />Mr. Short went through the Goals and PbLicies. He reviewed each of the . <br />ten policies and elaborated on them. Regarding the "fair - share all - <br />location" for modest cost houseing, Mr. Short had indicated the number of <br />90 dwelli,ng units but felt this figure should be discussed, maybe this should <br />be 130 units. Mr. Short felt that Metro,pop,ulation projections of 5,500, <br />people by 1990 was low and felt maybe 9.,200 would be more accurate. This , <br />increased population projection would increase the "fair share" low in- <br />come .dwelling units allocation to 130 units. Mr. Short did not have much u <br />confidencein this figure but felt iLshould be between 90 units, and 130 <br />units. These are new units only. <br />The question, of determining the population growth was discussed. All pro- <br />jection methods were subject to many variables but the target of 9,200 <br />people seemed most reasonable. This was discussed at length. Mr. Short <br />noted Metro Council will probable dispute this increase projected population <br />figure. <br />It was agreed that 9,200 population by 1990 was most reasonable, then the <br />"fair share" allocation of low income dwellings units should be increased. <br />How to get the increased fair share low income dwelling units was discussed. <br />If this was to be kept in the sewered areas there could be a problem. <br />Mayor Karth said that outside of the sewered areas lot costs could be less <br />and therefore it seemed reasonable that some low cost dwelling units could <br />be outside the sewered areas. <br />There was considerable discussion about Metro policy on encouraging deve- <br />lopment in sewered areas, but Metro had put a limit on the number of hook <br />ups in Lino Lakes which then tended to encourage development outside the <br />sewered areas. <br />Mr. Short said that Lino Lakes recognizes that modest cost housing can be <br />constructed now under the present ordinances but it will be real postive <br />in the housing plan to say that modest cost housing is affordable. <br />Again the conversation returned to the number of low cost dwelling units <br />goal. The figure was set at 180 units. <br />Mr. Short continued on the Policy review. <br />
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