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03-23-2020 Council Meeting Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-23-2020 Council Meeting Minutes
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10/15/2021 1:08:48 PM
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4/14/2020 12:42:55 PM
City Council
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Council Minutes
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COUNCIL MINUTES <br />APPROVED <br />4o ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT REPORT <br />41 A) Consider Adoption of the Pandemic Response Plan — City Administrator Karlson <br />42 explained that staff is presenting this Plan and requesting council adoption. This document will <br />43 serve to guide the City through the current emergency and gives the council information on how <br />44 staff intends to proceed through a process of preparation and response on an escalating basis as <br />45 needed. He explained that department directors are preparing to escalate if necessary and the <br />46 council will be kept fully infonned moving forward. <br />47 Councilmember Lyden noted that Anoka County hasn't provided an update for a few days; he's <br />48 curious about those numbers. Public Safety Director Swenson noted that the number of confirmed <br />49 cases in the county is currently at six. <br />50 Councilmember Stoesz noted, with the Declaration of Emergency approved by the council last <br />51 week, he is struggling with also approving this more detailed plan. He pointed out that elected <br />52 officials are not experts and staff has done a good job in responding to this point. He feels that staff <br />53 was given authority to proceed with their actions by that declaration. Administrator Karlson <br />54 responded that policies are generally brought to the council for approval and added that the League <br />55 of Minnesota is recommending that cities have a plan such as this. Mr. Karlson said it is the <br />56 council's choice as to how they will approach adoption of this plan but staff will proceed to respond. <br />57 Councilmember Cavagn noted that he recognizes that staff brings policy forward for council <br />58 consideration and they do so having done the appropriate background work. <br />59 Councilmember Ruhland said he concurs with Cavegn but also understands the question that has <br />60 arisen about expertise. <br />61 Councilmember Lyden asked if how the council should act is a question of legal authority? <br />62 Administrator Karlson said he hasn't spoken to the City Attorney on this document specifically but <br />63 as he has explained, the plan represents recommendations on how staff would intend to proceed; <br />64 there's intent to keep the council fully involved in decisions going forward. <br />65 Councilmember Stoesz said his intent is not to hold up the plan so he will support moving forward <br />66 with the understanding of his comments. <br />67 Councilmember Ruhland moved to accept the Plan as presented. Councilmember Cavegn seconded <br />68 the motion. Motion carried: Yeas, 5; Nays none. <br />69 B) Consider Building Official Salary Increase, Karissa Bartholomew <br />70 i. Consider Resolution 20-32 Appointing an Interim Building Official and Approving a <br />71 Professional Service Contract for Building Official Services. <br />72 Administrator Karlson reviewed the written staff report. The City's building official, Patrick Moonen <br />73 has submitted his resignation. Mr. Karlson said that Mr. Moonen is an exceptional employee. He <br />74 stated that the City's salary for the building official position is below market and so staff is requesting <br />75 an increase to that salary. Mr. Karlson also noted that the City is in the process of conducting a <br />76 compensation study and he expects that there will be a recommendation to increase the salary as part of <br />77 that study. His point is that there is a quality individual in a very important and required city position. <br />78 The staff recommendation is to increase the position salary by $7,000 in the hopes of retaining Mr. <br />79 Moonen. If Mr. Moonen is not retained, the City will have to look at an outside contract for the <br />80 building official services. He pointed out the monthly cost of contracting for services is much higher in <br />81 comparison to the monthly salary of Mr. Moonen. <br />2 <br />
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