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issued by RCWD on January 1, 2019. Two basins were delineated. Basin 1 is <br />approximately 0.046 acres (2,003 sf) and is located within the rear yard of Lot 2. Basin 2 <br />is Reshanau Lake and portions of its shoreline. No wetland impacts are proposed. Per <br />RCWD, Rule F is not triggered; therefore, no WMC wetland buffers are required. A <br />drainage and utility easement 10 feet above the delineated wetland is r-equir-e has been <br />provided on the final plat. <br />Floodplain <br />The 2015 DFIRM indicates Zone AE floodplain on both Lot 1 and Lot 2. The FEMA <br />base flood elevation (BFE) is 887. The applicant is proposing 110 cy of floodplain fill <br />and 110 cy of compensatory storage. The applicant has drafted a CLOMR-F application <br />to revise the floodplain map. It should be noted that any future proposed structures such <br />as accessory structures shall meet the floodplain ordinance requirements. The City <br />Engineer also notes the low floor elevation shall be 2 feet above the BFE and the plans <br />shall be have been revised. A future deck shall be shown on the plans and be included in <br />the floodplain mitigation. <br />Shoreland Management Overlay <br />The general purpose and intent of the Shoreland Management Overlay ordinance is to <br />protect public waters. Per the ordinance Policy statement, the uncontrolled use of <br />shorelands of the city affects the public health, safety and general welfare not only by <br />contributing to pollution of public waters, but also by impairing the local tax base. <br />Therefore, it is in the best interests of the public health, safety and welfare to provide for <br />the wise subdivision, use and development of shorelands of public waters. <br />As discussed, lot size and street setback variances have been approved. The OHWL <br />setback is met. <br />Sheet 2, Preliminary Plat notes impervious surface coverage for Lot 1 = 20.9% and Lot 2 <br />= 14.6%. Both meet the allowed 30% impervious surface coverage of the shoreland <br />ordinance. <br />A native vegetated shoreline buffer has been provided as a stormwater <br />management best management practice (BMP) to minimize runoff pollutants from <br />entering the lake. A Shoreline Buffer Declaration shall be recorded against both <br />properties. <br />Comprehensive Plan <br />Poehling Addition is consistent with the goals and policies of the comprehensive plan in <br />regards to resource management, land use, housing, transportation and utilities. <br />Resource Management System Plan <br />I <br />