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03-30-2021 Council Special Meeting Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
03-30-2021 Council Special Meeting Minutes
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Council Minutes
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COUNCIL MINUTES <br />APPROVED <br />42 Councilmember Lyden asked how staff determined the base rent. Mr. Grochala explained that it is <br />43 based on square footage, at $10 per square foot, totaling in the range of $37,000. That rate is based <br />44 on what the City charges for a portion of the City Hall facility. <br />45 Jamie Wallerstedt, State of Minnesota, offered thanks to the City staff for working on this <br />46 agreement so quickly. She explained her role at the State and the need to work expediently on <br />47 matters such as this. She thanked the City for the opportunity to rent the facility. <br />48 Councilmember Ruhland asked how the State is doing in the area of vaccinations; what's the <br />49 prognosis on finishing the program. Ms. Wallerstedt said she is from Emergency Operations and so <br />50 she is more on the operational side and some of those questions are more MDH and policy based. <br />51 Her area is to work on getting vaccines out the door for use within one week. She knows that 86% <br />52 of the vaccines received by the State have gone out the door for use. As far as moving past June <br />53 30t', Ms. Wallerstedt said based on what they are seeing now, it's difficult to definitively say they <br />54 will be done on that date. Councilmember Ruhland asked when the final consultant's report will be <br />55 done for the building and Mr. Grochala said mid -April. <br />56 Councilmember Stoesz asked how big of an area the facility will serve and where the next closest <br />57 facility will be located. Ms. Wallerstedt noted other sites in greater Minnesota; sites will be <br />58 decided based on how much vaccine becomes available for distribution. The metro area sites are St. <br />59 Paul, Mall of America and the Minneapolis Convention Center. The sites are intended to be <br />60 regional. Councilmember Stoesz asked if the aquatics area would be open for preparations earlier <br />61 than June 30th if necessary for future uses; Mayor Rafferty suggested that the vaccine use will not <br />62 disallow the City from entry and needs related to reuse; Ms. Wallerstedt concurred noting that open <br />63 communication with the clinic will be needed. <br />64 Councilmember Cavegn asked how the center staff will be chosen; he'd like to see local medical <br />65 providers if possible. Ms. Wallerstedt explained that the medical providers (a company named <br />66 Specialists) will hire the staff from the local (metro area) pool of workers. <br />67 Mayor Rafferty asked how the necessary equipment will be brought in (i.e. refrigeration for <br />68 vaccine); Ms. Wallerstedt said there are options including specialized coolers. Mayor Rafferty <br />69 asked if the other sites are up and running; Ms. Wallerstedt said yes. Mayor Rafferty asked about <br />70 entrance and exit and Ms. Wallerstedt said they are working on final details currently, adding that <br />71 they do like to have one way flow so may consider renting an ADA acceptable ramp for a door or <br />72 they could also separate people to go in and out the same door. <br />73 Councilmember Stoesz asked if there will be temporary signs involved and Community <br />74 Development Director Grochala said the agreement includes language that allows for required <br />75 signage including a banner. <br />76 Mayor Rafferty thanked staff for their efforts in bringing this forward quickly. <br />77 Councilmember Stoesz moved to approve Resolution No. 21-28 as presented. Councilmember <br />78 Cavegn seconded the motion. Motion carried; Yeas, 5; Nays none. <br />79 PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT REPORT <br />80 There was no report from the Public Safety Department. <br />81 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT REPORT <br />82 There was no report from. the Public Services Department. <br />�J <br />
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