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12-06-1983 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1983 Minutes
12-06-1983 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board <br /> December 6 , 1983 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order <br /> at 6: 00 P.M. , by Chairman Johnson with the following members present ; <br /> Scherer, Arntzen, R. Johnson, Lindy, Absent ; LaBlond, Flannery. <br /> MINUTES - October 3. 1983 <br /> Mr. R. Johnson moved to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by <br /> Mr. Scherer. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> CHAIRMAN's REPORT - MEETING WITH CIRCLE PINES PARK BOARD <br /> Mr. Johnson reported that he had met with the Circle Pines Park Board <br /> to discuss the decisions made by this Board in relation to the Rice <br /> Lake Estates Plat . Mr. Johnson noted there is a portion of land owned <br /> by the Anoka County Park Department which the City of Circle Pines is <br /> reqeusting be deeded to that City. The plans are to put a trail system <br /> through that area. Circle Pines was concerned with the extra burden <br /> this plat would put on the Baldwin Park. There was also discussion of <br /> the establishing of a ball field in that area. <br /> Mr. Arntzen asked if Circle Pines usage of Sunrise Park was discussed? <br /> Mr. Johnson said it was discussed with the fact that Circle Pines is <br /> working out a system of walking trails and bike trails and they are <br /> directed toward Sunrise Park. There was misunderstanding on the part of <br /> the Circle Pines Board in that understood that if Baldwin Park was not <br /> available for usage by the citizens of Lino Lakes, then Sunrise Park <br /> ^ would not be available for usage by citizens of Circle Piens. Mr. <br /> Johnson said he tried to clear this misunderstandin - noting that the <br /> Cities are in the process of discussing shared services in other area <br /> and that parks must alsobe shared. <br /> Mr. Arntzen asked if the Board was receptive to the idea of working <br /> with this City? and Mr. Johnson felt this was true. Their suggestions <br /> were that this City provide some fill for the area and complete a bike <br /> path through the area. <br /> Mr. R. Johnson said he has visited Baldwin Park five different times at <br /> five different times of the week and he has not seen over three children <br /> at the park at any one time. <br /> There was discussion of how much usage will develop from the two new <br /> plats being developed in Circle Piens near this Park with the fact that <br /> Rice Lake Estates will probably not have occupants until the latter part <br /> of 1984 and should not be considered until the 1985 budget time. <br /> The plat of Rice Lake Estates was consulted for possible areas where a <br /> path could be placed. <br /> Mr. Arntzen suggested that the City Engineer work with Circle Pines ' <br /> Engineer for a recommendation as to where the path should be placed. . <br />
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