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10-03-1983 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1983 Minutes
10-03-1983 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting <br /> October 3 , 1983 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order by <br /> Chairman Johnson with members , R . Johnson , Lindy , Arntzen present; and <br /> Flannery, LaBlond, Scherer absent . <br /> MINUTES - JULY , 1983 <br /> There was no action taken on these minutes at this meeting. <br /> RICE CREEK SNOWMOBILE TRAIL <br /> r. LeRoy Strelo was present to present the proposed snow mobile trail that <br /> would skirt the North edge of Sunrise Park. He said they are requesting <br /> a 10 ' to 12 ' strip to run the trail for approximately three months . This <br /> strip need to be wide enough for a trail groomer to take care of the trail . <br /> The snowmobile club has a grant from the DNR for the establishment of this <br /> trail . <br /> There was some question on the nearby residents and this matter was dis- <br /> cussed. There was some questions on the legality of this use of the park <br /> land. The general opinion of the Board was this should be presented to <br /> the Attorney for his opinion . <br /> Mr. R . Johnson asked if the Club stf17__patrolled their trails and Mr. Strehlo <br /> said up until last year, and the Circle-Lex Police Department felt there <br /> was no need for the patrol . <br /> Mr. R . Johnson moved to recommend approval of this request with the <br /> stipulation that this usage does not violate the Park Ordinance . Seconded <br /> by Mr. Lindy . Motion carried unanimously . <br /> The general opinion of the Park Board that Mr . Volk will be in charge of <br /> where the trail shall )be located in the Park. <br /> Mr . R. Johnson said hi•s motion was to denote the strip as located on the map . <br /> Mr . Roger Oman , also of the Club , noted that Mrs . Strauss has withdrawn her <br /> permission for the use of her land. The map was looked at for other <br /> possible routes to take and with different approaches to the Park . The Club <br /> only needs to get the the overpass on Sunset Avenue and so will only be in <br /> Lino Lakes for a short distance . <br /> Mr. R . Johnson reiterated his recommendation was to allow the trail . He <br /> felt the Club will have to decide where, as long as it does not violate <br /> the Park Ordinance . <br /> BIDS - COUNTRY LAKES PARK <br /> The Park Board Members have a copy of the computations of the bid received <br /> for the completion of Country Lakes Park. Mr . Volk repored that staff had <br /> met with MR . John Davidson and put together the plans and specifications for <br /> :he purposes of advertising for bids . <br /> The Park Board was concerned that only one bid had been received. After some <br /> discussion on this matter , Mr . Arntzen moved to recommend that this bid be <br /> rejected and to readvertise for bids on the Country Lakes Park. Seconded <br />
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