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10-04-1982 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1982 Minutes
10-04-1982 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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Park Board <br /> J October _J� 1982 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order on <br /> October 3 , 1982 by Chairman Johnson with the following members present ; <br /> R. Johnson , Arntzen , LeBlond . Absent; Scherer , Lindy , _ <br /> MINUTES - September 7 , 1982 <br /> Mr . Arntzen moved to approve the minutes as presented . Seconded by Mrs . <br /> LeBlond. Motion carried unsnimously . <br /> Mr . Scherer arrived <br /> LINO AREA RECREATIONAL ASSOCIATION - STORAGE BUILDING <br /> Mr . Dietsch presented the proposed storage building to be constructed in <br /> one of the Park areas for the purpose of storing athletic equipment for <br /> that Association . The two areas to be considered are the City Hall Park <br /> near the parking lot and Lino Park near the North boundary . <br /> The building proposed is 22 'x22 ' , cement block , no heat or water, just <br /> electricity , 1-5 ' door in the front and 1-3 ' door in the rear, approximate <br /> cost of materials - $2 ,000 . 00 . This does not include labor . The building <br /> will be constructed by volunteer and donated labor . <br /> Mr. K. Johnson reported that he had met with the Association in September <br /> and informed them of the construction plans at the City Hall Park . The <br /> general consensus of the Association was they felt they still needed a <br /> storage building of their own . <br /> Mr. K, Johnson pointed out that the exact site for the Senior Citizen <br /> Center has bot been decided at this time , therefore , it would be difficult <br /> to designate a site for this building at City Hall . <br /> Mr. K. Johnson also felt the Park Board would need some guarantee that the <br /> building would be completed - not started and never finished . It was <br /> suggested the Association post a bond ensuring the completion of the <br /> building. There was discussion of this point . Also , the possibility of <br /> a warming house at Lino Park and the feasibility of combining the two <br /> buildings . <br /> There was a question of ownership of the building. it was generally con- <br /> cluded that the building would become the property of the Park Department , <br /> but the Association would have sole use of the building and would be <br /> responsible for the maintenance of the building. <br /> Mr . Dietsch reported that he h <br /> p a�:d° presented the plans and specifications <br /> for the building to the Building Inspector and he had approved the concept,! <br /> Mr. Volk suggested that the Associa Lion askog the City to construct a <br /> building with the required square footage and they in turn give the money <br /> they had designated for the building to the City . There were other <br /> alternatives to be considered and since this isn ' t to be constructed until <br /> Spring, Mr . Volk felt these alternatives should' be discussed . <br /> It was suggested that the Park Board work with the Association as to where <br /> the building shold be located - as a part of the proposed building at <br /> Lino Park - or? <br />
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