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09-07-1982 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1982 Minutes
09-07-1982 Park Board Minutes
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r <br /> ' Park Board <br /> September 7 , 1982 <br /> �\ The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order <br /> at 7 :30 P.M. , September 7 , 1982 with the following members present; <br /> Arntzen, Scherer, Flannery , K. Johnson . Absent; R . Johnson, LaBlond , <br /> Lindy . <br /> MINUTES <br /> Mr . Scherer moved to approve the minutes of July 6 , 1982 as presented. <br /> Seconded by Mr. Arntzen . Motion carried unanimously . <br /> COUNTRY LAKES PARK <br /> Mr . K. Johnson turned the meeting over to Mr. John Davidson, City <br /> Engineer, to discuss the plans for the development of Country Lakes <br /> Park. <br /> Mr . Davidson noted that he had worked with the concept as prepared by <br /> Mrs . Doris Sullivan . He had prepared a suggested schedule for the <br /> phase development of the park starting with the beach area . He reported <br /> that in dredging the beach area , the DNR is not concerned with the <br /> dredging, but with the storage of the dredged material . A suitable <br /> place will be needed to store the material for drainage . This material <br /> can be allowed to dry and possibly be used for top dressing in some other <br /> area of the park. The next step would be to fill the dredged area with <br /> sand, if needed . The second phase of the beach area would be to con- <br /> struct the beach shore area . This would entail the removal of all <br /> vegation , preparing the soils and the filling with beach sand . Mr . <br /> Davidson noted that the beach area should be clearly defined by some <br /> sort of a harried - railroad ties , concrete bumpers , etc . <br /> The third phase of the development in the beach area would be the con- <br /> struction of the beach house . This will involve the drilling of a water <br /> well and the installation of a septic system. These should be done be- <br /> fore the actual construction of the building begins . Then the trail <br /> system to connect the beach area with the parking lots will be necessary . <br /> Mr. Davidson outlined the procedure for the preparation and construction <br /> of this system. This would then cover the first phase of construction . <br /> The Second phase would include the roadway system and parking lots . Mr. <br /> Davidson explained the steps necessary to construct the roadways . <br /> The Third phase , as suggested by Mr . Davidson , would be the installation <br /> of the trailer parking and the boat launch . There would be some extra <br /> work necessary in this area . <br /> The Fourth phase would be the construction of the picnic area . Mr. <br /> Davidson wondered if this phase should not be switched with phase three . <br /> Mr. Davidson suggested, in developing the picnic area , perhaps some area <br /> for shoreline fishing should be provided . He outlined the steps to be <br /> taken in the development of this area noting that the picnic tables <br /> should be either cement tables or cemented into a slab to prevent <br /> vandalism. <br />
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