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07-06-1982 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1982 Minutes
07-06-1982 Park Board Minutes
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July 6 , 1982 <br /> n <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order by <br /> Chairman Johnson with the following members present ; R . Johnson , Lindy, <br /> Scherer, LaBlond . Absent ; Arntzen, Flannery . <br /> MINUTES - JUNE 7 , 1982 <br /> Mr . Scherer moved to approve the minutes as presented . Seconded by Mrs . <br /> LaBlond . Motion carried unanimously. <br /> COUNTRY LAKES PARK - BOAT ACCESS <br /> Mr . Schumacher noted that he had received an answer from the State of <br /> Minnesota to his inquiry concerned with eliminating the boat access and <br /> the letter indicates that the State did not want the access removed from <br /> the development plan . <br /> Mr . Scherer pointed out that this access does not have to be done this <br /> year and as construction proceeds , this matter can be discussed . The <br /> general consensus of the Board was to get the beach , bath house , the <br /> trails , etc . , completed - delay the access construction until the later <br /> part of the development . There is a three year construction period allowed <br /> for the completion of this park . <br /> PARK CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - D . VOLK <br /> Mr . Volk is asking for authorization to use the City ' s Engineer , TKDA, <br /> in preparing the specifications for the dredging of the beach area . . <br /> Mr . Schumacher pointed out that this expense may either be paid out of <br /> dedicated funds or submitted to be paid from the LAWCON Grant funds . <br /> Mr . R . Johnson moved to authorize Mr . Volk to use TKDA for the preparation <br /> of a construction schedule and specifications for the dredging in Country <br /> Lakes Park . Seconded by Mrs . LaBlond . Motion carried unanimously . <br /> Mr . Schumacher) pointed out the archeological survey has been completed <br /> and forwarded to the State . The review and comments from the State must <br /> be received before the contract for the receipts of the funds can be <br /> signed . Only Engineering and Planning may done on the project at this <br /> time . <br /> There was discussion on the type of construction for the bath house - <br /> wood? cement blocks ? More information is needed in this area . Mr . <br /> Schumacher outline the procedure necessary for the construction of this <br /> building , such -as the preparation of plans and specifications , advertising <br /> for bids , letting of the contract , etc . The general consensus of the <br /> Board was that they preferred to keep this as local as possible . <br /> There was discussion as to the amount of dredging that would need to be <br /> done in the beach area - how deep? how far out? estimated costs ? is <br /> there to be a swimming raft? the area roped off? These are items that <br /> will be discussed at a later meeting . The dredging will be discussed <br /> with the City ' s Engineer for an estimated cost figure . <br /> Mr . Schumacher suggested that part-time supervision might be a consideration <br /> for the Board . Also, with the hours posted as to when there is to be <br /> superviision . This is something for a later agenda . <br />
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