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06-07-1982 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1982 Minutes
06-07-1982 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board <br /> June 7 , 1982 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes. Park Board was called to order at <br /> ,''� 7 : 30 P .M . , June 7 , 1982 by Chairman Johnson . Members present ; R . Johnson, <br /> Scherer, LaBlond, Lindy, Arntzen . Absent : Flannery . <br /> MINUTES - MAY 3 , 1982 <br /> Mr . R . Johnson moved to approve the minutes as presented . Seconded by <br /> Mr . Scherer . Motion carried unanimously <br /> DISCUSSION OF BOAT LAUNCH - COUNTRY LAKES PARK <br /> Mr . Schumacher is investigating this subject and was unable to attend <br /> this meeting . Mr . Volk reported that he has no new information at this <br /> time . This matter will be put on the July agenda . <br /> RECREATION NEEDS STUDY <br /> Mr . Flannery was to present a rough draft for this survey - since he is <br /> not present , this matter is to be put on the July agenda . <br /> Mr . K. Johnson expressed the Board ' s appreciation to Mrs . Sullivan and <br /> Mr . Volk for their assistance during the tour of the Parks this evening . <br /> Mr . Arntzen asked about a time table for the completion of Shenandoah <br /> Park - he felt something should be lined up before the July meeting . <br /> There was a question as to whether there should be more landscaping done <br /> in the area before the installation of the tot lot? <br /> There was also a question as to whether a survey of the neighborhood <br /> should be dole and Mrs . Sullivan said she had already done that and the <br /> Park had been designed to comply with the needs expressed by the residents . <br /> There was general discussion as to how developed this Park should be and <br /> the consensus of the Board was this park should reamin an unstructured <br /> area, basically for kids in the neighborhood a place to play ball - <br /> ride bikes - a tot lot - some place for skating - a paved tricycle path . <br /> There has been $8 , 000 . 00 budgeted for the development of this park . How <br /> far will this go? Mr . Volk noted the cost of some of the equipment now <br /> installed at City Hall Park . After some discussion, Mr . Volk was asked <br /> to get bids on some equipment and put together an estimate for consider- <br /> ation at the July meeting . Basically remaining within the $8 , 000 . 00 <br /> figure . <br /> Mr . LaBlond moved to relocate the tot lot to the higher ground in the <br /> park, switching with the proposed area for the ball field . Seconded by <br /> Mr . Scherer . Motion carried unanimously . <br /> Nr. R. Johnson reported that the Lions ' Club would like permission from <br /> the Park Board to repaint the sign at Sunrise Park . It would done ex- <br /> actly as it is now . Mr . Scherer moved to approve this request . Seconded <br /> �y Mrs . LaBlond . Motion carried unanimously . <br />
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