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05-03-1982 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1982 Minutes
05-03-1982 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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r' Park Board <br /> May 3 , 1982 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order by <br /> Chairman Johnson , May 3 , 1982 at 7 : 00 P .M. with the following members pre- <br /> sent ; Flannery, Lindy, LaBlond , Scherer . Absent ; R . Johnson, Arntzen . <br /> MINUTES - APRIL 5 , 1982 <br /> Mrs . LaBlond corrected the minutes to read "she supported the use of sail <br /> boats from the public access on the lake" This is a posiition that she <br /> has always supported . <br /> Mr . Scherer moved to approve the minutes as corrected . Seconded by Mr . <br /> Lindy . Motion carried unanimoulsy . <br /> TOUR DATE FOR THE PARKS <br /> After discussion , the tour of the Parks was scheduled for June 6 , 1982 <br /> to begin. at 6 : 00 P .M. <br /> BOAT ACCESS - COUNTRY LAKES PARK <br /> There was discussion on the possibility of deleting the boat access - how <br /> would this affect the grant? <br /> Mr . Schumacher explained that any part could be negotiated out , but , a <br /> part of the grant could also be lost . He also pointed out that this <br /> facility was designed according to State specifications . If this boat <br /> launchis deleted , Mr . Schumacher felt that She funding for the parking lot <br /> and road access to the launch area could . 9 be eliminated . <br /> After discussion , Mr . Scherer felt the proposed development of the park <br /> should be left alone . This plan had been approved by the State for <br /> funding and should be left as is and developed as planned . He felt the <br /> park would be abused no matter what is or is not there . <br /> Mr . Schumacher asked the Board, what if the State comes back and says , <br /> put in the boat launch and then prove to use there is a problem? He <br /> pointed out , the City has three years to complete this development and <br /> the boat launch could be the last thing completed . He suggested pre- <br /> senting the possibility of eliminating the access road to the lake and the <br /> boat launch to the State and ask if this would then bump the grant to <br /> the third or fourth place . Would it leave the grant intact? or what <br /> would be the repercussions to this change? <br /> There was a suggestion of doing the park in three stages - putting the boat <br /> launch in the third stage - then evaluate at that time . <br /> Mr. Schumacher will contact the State and have a report at the next Park <br /> Board meeting . <br /> SHOREVIEW BIKE TRAILS <br /> Mrs . Elsenpeter reported on the plans of Shoreview for the installation <br /> of a bike trail system. This was done after a completed study of the wants <br /> of the citizens of the community . The upgrading of Lexington Avenue and <br /> Hodgson Road had ranked one/two . Shoreview contacted MnDOT for the up- <br /> grading of several of the suggested routes for bike trails . MnDOT is now <br /> in the process of upgrading Highway #49 to Lake Drive which will give the <br />
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