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04-05-1982 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1982 Minutes
04-05-1982 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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Park Board <br /> April 5 , 1982 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order at <br /> 7 : 30 P .M . Members present ; R. Johnson, P . Scherer , K. Johnson, J . LeBlond, <br /> G . Lindy, J . Flannery . Absent ; J . Arntzen . <br /> Mr . Scherer moved to approve the minutes of March 1 , 1982 as presented . <br /> Seconded by Mrs . LeBlond . Motion carried unanimously. <br /> USE OF SUNRISE FOR SOFTBALL <br /> This request was to be presented by 'Mr . Benjy Munson but he was not present <br /> at this time . <br /> SET DATE FOR TOUR OF CITY PARKS <br /> This will be considered at the May meeting . <br /> ARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDY <br /> Mr . Volk presented the bids that have been received for the performace <br /> of this study . <br /> After some discussion, Mr . Ray Johnson moved to accept the bid as submitted <br /> by Archaeological. Services . Seconded by Mr . Peter Scherer . <br /> `N4. <br /> Mrs . LeBlond asked if there should be any limits set as to overages ? Mr . <br /> Volk pointed out that if there are some finds in the areas of, such as the <br /> parking lot , then this will need to be relocated and another survey done . <br /> Mr. K. Johnson suggested that , if there are finds in the area, the firm <br /> report back to the Park Board before they proceed with additional work . <br /> Mrs . LeBlond asked if this survey covers just the areas that are planned <br /> for development at this time and Mr . Volk said , Yes . <br /> Mrs . LeBlond moved to amend the motion to request that if something is <br /> found , the survey crew present this information to the Park Board , in order <br /> for them to make a decision as to what should be relocated and where . <br /> Mr . R. Johnson accepted the amendment , Mr . P . Scherer the <br /> amendment . Motion and amendment passed unanimously . <br /> Mrs . LeBlond asked if the schedule of the survey crew could be ascertained <br /> - she would like to watch some of the work . Mr . Volk said he would ask . <br /> COUNTRY LAKES PARK <br /> Mr . Volk asked to go back to the study - he pointed out that an Engineering <br /> survey must also be done . Mr . Volk suggested this be done by the City <br /> Engineer . He asked for authorization from this Board to have this work <br /> done . Mr. Volk pointed out that he would like to have an Engineering firm <br /> to assist with the overall plan and development of this park once the <br /> initial survey is done . This firm would assist with the bids for the work <br /> and supervise the development as it is done . <br /> Mrs . LeBlond moved to authorize Mr. Volk to have the City Engineer do the <br /> initial survey of the Park . Seconded by Mr . R. Johnson . Motion carried <br />
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