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07-06-1981 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1981 Minutes
07-06-1981 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board <br /> July 6 , 1981 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order at <br /> 7 : 30 P.M. , July 6 , 1981 by Chairperson LeBlond. Members present ; Johnson , <br /> Scherer, Volk , Absent; Arntzen. <br /> MINUTES - JUNE 1 , 1981 <br /> Mrs . LeBlond corrected the minutes as follows ; Under Financial Evalulation, <br /> 2nd paragraph, it should read, Mr. Schmacher should prepare a statement for <br /> the Circulating Pines as to how the funds are arrived at and how the money <br /> is spent. <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to approve the minutes as corrected . Seconded by Mr. <br /> Johnson. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 81-82 LAWCON GRANT <br /> Mr. Schumacher reported that the City' s application for a LAWCON Grant for <br /> the development of Country Lakes Park had received preliminary approval in <br /> the amount of $100 ,000 . 00 . This amount must be matched by a like amount of <br /> funds from the City. Mr. Schumacher pointed out that this does not have to <br /> be in the form of money - it can be donated labor and equipment . He felt <br /> that some of that amount can be attributed to the volunteer labor donated <br /> by the Corps of Engineers such as was done last summer in the preliminary <br /> grading and landscaping that had been done by that group . <br /> Mr. Schumacher pointed out the items that had been listed for completion <br /> with this grant funds - 900 ' access road , 3501 beach area, 24x36 bath house , <br /> , '115 car and boat parking lot , 15 acres landscaped, 45 car parking lot , 650 ' <br /> trail and one boat launching area with a 32 ' dock. This area would have a <br /> concrete apron and constructed according to State specifications . <br /> Mrs . LeBlond was concerned that a boat lauching area of this type would <br /> open up the lake to the large power boats . She felt that by having a boat <br /> launch of this type , the lake would be opened up for all types of water <br /> usage and the lake would become <br /> Mr. Schumacher pointed out that the area for parking boat trailers was <br /> limited to 15 - this in itself should limit the number of boats on the lake .. <br /> Mrs . LeBlond objected to the possible use of the lake by the larger types <br /> of boats and felt that the usage should be limited to canoes , sail boats <br /> and small fishing boats . <br /> Mr. Schumacher said what she was talking about was surface control of the <br /> use of the lake and that would have to be done by Ordinance . The development <br /> in this park will take a couple of years - the final application must be <br /> submitted and some other work done before actual work can begin. There is <br /> time to study and form such an ordinance if that is the desire of this Board <br /> and the City Council. <br /> Mr. Schumacher noted that Lino Lakes was ranked first this year coming up <br /> from 27th last year. He felt this was quite an accomplishment for the City. <br /> Mr. Volk pointed out that the Chain of Lakes Park is geared for canoes , sail <br /> boats and fishing. He felt itwould be'acouple of years before the Country <br /> Lakes Park is opened , and the City should work with the County to coordinate <br /> the use of the lakes . <br />
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