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06-01-1981 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1981 Minutes
06-01-1981 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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Park Board <br /> June 1 , 1981 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order on <br /> June 1 , 1981 , by Chairperson LeBlonde . Members present ; Scherer, Johnson, <br /> "'%" Arntzen , Volk . Absent ; None . <br /> Mr . Scherer moved to approve the minutes of April 6 , 1981 . Seconded by <br /> Mr . Volk . Motion carried unanimously. <br /> ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE ON LARGE LOTS SUBDIVISIONS . <br /> Mr . Schumacher referred to the discussion heldon the $1500 . 00 per acre being <br /> used for computing park dedication funds .— The Assessor and the Building <br /> Official had put some figures together . Mr . Schumacher presented these <br /> figures and felt that the City of Lino Lakes is very competitive with the <br /> surrounding communities . Mr. Schumacher felt there is no adjustment <br /> warranted at this time . <br /> Mr . Scherer pointed out that some plats have been filed where there had <br /> been no expense to the developer with the exception of the platting pro- <br /> cess . He felt the lots were being sold for 8 to 10 thousand dollars and <br /> the Park Board is only being allowed $ 1500 . 00 per acre . <br /> Mr . Schumacher felt there is some developers who will be able to take <br /> advantage of existing streets - but these are isolated cases and usually <br /> the sale price of the lots include the cost of streets , curbs , gutters , <br /> and storm sewers , plus all costs involved in the platting process . <br /> HENRIKSEN - PARK DEDICATION <br /> It was noted that the Council approved the variance on Lots 1 $ 2 and the <br /> Park Dedication has been paid on those two lots . The representative for <br /> Mr . Hendirksen proposed that this money be paid at the time the lots are <br /> sold . It was pointed out there are only seven parcels left to be paid on . <br /> Mr . Schumacher was asked what the written policy says and he reported that <br /> the Ordinance states that either 10% in land or money is paid at the time <br /> of platting . However, this is not a plat , as such. There are several such <br /> plats in the City operating under the plan that Park funds are paid at the <br /> time the building permit is issued . Mr. Schumacher pointed out this is an <br /> administrative headache . <br /> The representative for Mr . Henriksen proposed that a Park Dedication check <br /> be make out to the City at the time of the closing . The general consensus <br /> of the Board was this would be one method of handling this . <br /> Mr . Volk felt that there it would be much cleaner to submit the entire amount <br /> due at this time . <br /> Mr. Scherer moved that Park dedications funds be paid to the City at the <br /> time the lots are sold . There was no second - Motion died for lack of a <br /> second . <br /> ?sir . Arntzen suggested that this money be paid in two payments - one now <br /> ,wand the final in six months . <br /> Mrs . LeBlonde suggested that the motion include ' that the park fund would <br /> be paid according to the current formula' . <br />
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