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12-01-1980 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1980 Minutes
12-01-1980 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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December 1 , 1930 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order at <br /> 7 : 30 P.M. on December 1 , 1930 , by Vice-Chairman Shaughnessy . Members pre- <br /> sent; Johnson, Foster, Shaughnessy , Scherer . Absent; Liljedahl , Crouse . <br /> Mr. Johnson objected to a statement on page 2 of the minutes - he did not <br /> make the statement . (Clerk 's note; the tapes are very hard to transcribe <br /> when mikes are not used properly) Mr. Scherer moved to approve with the <br /> above notation . Seconded by Mr . Johnson . Motion carried. <br /> Mrs . Sullivan persented herworking drawings for Sunrise Park. On Country <br /> Lakes Park, she hasn ' t changed her plans but did come up with some questions <br /> - she filt it would be a mistake to detail the Country Lakes Parks to the <br /> extent that she did Sunrise . Most of the natural features of this park <br /> should be retained . She will return at the January meeting with a level <br /> of drawings supporting her ideas . <br /> Mrs . Sullivan asked if there had been a decision on the size limit on boats <br /> allowed on the lake? There was some discussion on this with the size of <br /> boats that would be allowed and also the number that could be launched <br /> from the park access . It was felt that the State set a limit on the size <br /> of the bgdts according to the size of the lake . <br /> At this point in the meeting, the new park board member , Mrs . Julie LeBlond <br /> was introduced and assumed her seat on that board . <br /> Mr. Johnson felt there should not be any restriction as to the use of the <br /> access . The residents who live on the lake have no restrictions , why <br /> should there be restriction on the public who use this access . There was <br /> general agreement with this statement . <br /> The type of soils the road would be constructed over was discussed and the <br /> cost of installinga street that would handle the type of traffic that would <br /> be generated by this access . <br /> Mrs . Sullivan described her suggestions for placing the narking spaces in <br /> and around the treees as open spaces allowed - not to remove the trees to <br /> make spaces for parking. <br /> Mrs . Sullivan will prepare some alternatives for the placement of the <br /> suggested building in the Country Lakes Park and return to the Park Board <br /> in January . <br /> Mr . Volk was asked to present his report . He suggested that a warming house <br /> attendent for City Hall Park and Sunrise Park such as was done last year <br /> and presented a schedule of hours that one would be needed at those parks . <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to approve the schedule for the attendents as proposed <br /> by Mr. Volk . Seconded by MR . Johnson . Motion carried . <br /> Mr. Schumacher reported on the actions of the Council in reference to the <br /> LaMotte Park subject . It was the understanding of the Park Board that the <br /> residents would keep the .park mowed, etc. Mr . Schumacher pointed out that <br /> this is still a City owned park and the City is liable for the park. <br /> 7 A *t- <br /> There was some discussion on the fact 9ght Centerville has a park so near <br /> that any development in the LaMotte park is really a waste of money . <br /> Mr. Shaughenssy stated that he would not be available for reappointment to <br /> the Park Board for the reasons that he felt that the Park Board had worked <br />
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