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07-07-1980 Park Board Minutes
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1980 Minutes
07-07-1980 Park Board Minutes
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Park, Recreational and Environmental Commission <br /> July 7 , 1980 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park, Recreational and Environmental <br /> , commission was called to order at 7 : 30 P .M. Monday , July 7 , 1980 by Chair- <br /> ian Liljedahl . Members present : Scherer, Johnson , Foster, Sears , Liljedahl , <br /> Shaughnessy . Members absent: Crouse . Mr . Schumacher and Mr . Volk were <br /> also present . <br /> Mr . Scherer moved to accept the minutes of the June 2 , 1980 meeting as <br /> presented. Mr shaughnessy seconded the motion . Motion declared passed . <br /> The first item on the agenda is the Comprehensive Plan for Sunrise Park <br /> and Country Lakes Park . Mr . Schumacher intorduced Mr . Mike Johnson , Admin- <br /> istrative Assistant and Mr. Johnson introduced Doris Sullivan who is a <br /> graduate student of the University of Minnesota with a degree in Landscape <br /> Architecture . Mr. Johnson said he had contacted Mrs . Sullivan and sent <br /> her all the information she had requested for planning these two parks . <br /> Mrs . Sullivan said she was not prepared to comment on Sunrise Park as <br /> she had just seen it today but had seen both Country Lakes Park and Shen- <br /> andoah Park. She explained that the procedure for a site plan is to <br /> first do a thorough analysis of the site; soils , vegetation and what <br /> activities the site can handle and come up with several plans to choose <br /> from. After a plan is selected the community develops the plan . Mrs . <br /> Sullivan also gave the Board some background regarding her experience in <br /> working in other communities and also explained how she would determine <br /> some costs for her services . She felt that if she did a very detailed <br /> plan her expenses for Country Lake Park and Shenandoah Park would be <br /> 5300 . 00 to $400 . 00 . The total cost including her time would be about <br /> 2, 750. 00 One park, Country Lakes , for instance would be $1 , 400 . 00 . <br /> Mrs . Sullivan said she felt Country Lakes Park had a lot of potential <br /> and deserved carefull planning to preserve all the natural assets and <br /> provide a few activities . As for Sunrise Park all that is needed is <br /> something to dress it up. <br /> Mrs . Liljedahl felt Shenandoah Park could be worked into something nice . <br /> A neighborhood park rather than a community park. Mr . Schumacher said <br /> that when Shenandoah II is developed there will be an additional 2 . 9 <br /> acres . <br /> Mrs . Sears asked if the present plans prepared for Country Lakes Park <br /> would be discarded. Mrs . Sullivan said she did riot know yet . This would <br /> probably depend on soil conditions . <br /> Mrs . Sullivan asked if there would be some agreement between herself and <br /> the City . Mrs . Liljedahl said the Board would have to ask the Council for <br /> permission for any expenditure . <br /> Mr. Scherer said that any plans that are developed by Mrs . Sullivan now <br /> will be helpfull even if the development is not done now but some time <br /> in the future. <br /> qrs . Schumacher said the Park Board should decide what parks they wanted <br /> 10-*Nrs . Sullivan to work on because there is a budgeted amount and the Council <br /> ,ould want them to try and stay within the budget . The Board should <br /> state a priority . Mrs . Liljedahl felt Country Lakes should be a priority <br /> now. Mr. Foster suggested that Board wait with Shenandoah Park until <br /> one plan can be designed to the entire park. <br />
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